- Target:
- United States House of Representatives
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.secureamericaalliance.org
1. Totalization agreement gives Social Security to Illegals
A Totalization Agreement was signed by the U.S. Commissioner of Social Security and the Director General of the Mexican Social Security Institute on June 29, 2004. It commits the U.S. to making payments to illegal Mexican workers after they have returned to Mexico upon their supposed "retirement". This agreement can go into effect very rapidly, so the situation is urgent.
2. Congressman Elton Gallegly working to save Social Security
Congressman Elton Gallegly introduced HR 709 to prevent Social Security raids and protect the integrity of the Social Security system through a Totalization agreement with Mexico. He is a rare leader in Washington, willing to earn the enmity of the political establishment of both parties to defend the national sovereignty interests of the United States and the social security benefits of those Americans who have worked a lifetime to earn them.
3. Congress must stop this taxpayer funded giveaway to illegals
Gallegly's bill would impact any new bill that became effective after January 1, 2007, including the above agreement with Mexico. It simply sets fair ground rules to consider in any future proposals or negotiations BEFORE consideration by the Congress.
4. US-Mexican Totalization agreement will destroy U.S. Social Security
The cost to taxpayers could be as high as $525 million in the first five years and as much as $650 million per year thereafter. This will cause a chain reaction of higher taxes to workers and potentially, cause dramatically reduced benefits to new U.S. retirees. These retirees who worked long and hard for these social security benefits would, under the agreement signed by the U.S. and Mexico (but not yet formally proposed to or approved by Congress) see their retirement funds snatched away and sent over the U.S.-Mexico border.
5. Why should Mexican illegals get a better deal than U.S. workers?
Gallegly's bill, the Total Overhaul of Totalization Agreements Law (TOTAL), would require that future new Totalization Agreements (including the one signed but not yet submitted) prohibit Social Security payments to foreign nationals unless they, like American citizens, legally work for 40 quarters in the U.S. (10 years) not 18 months.
6. HR709 Stops taxpayer funded incentives to illegal workers
Getting a better deal than legal Mexican citizens in Mexico and American citizens in America get working in their own country, it is very obvious that an unfair and one-sided Totalization Agreement would simply serve as a magnet to lure an ever increasing number of illegals to the United States in the next 40 years, as many as 110 million by some estimates.
7. Gallegly Proposes Fair Deal for legal foreign workers
Social Security taxes paid by foreign nationals and their employers would be transferred to their home countries under the Gallegly legislation. Similarly, the taxes paid by American citizens in foreign countries would be transferred into the U.S. Social Security system under his bill.
8. No U.S. Taxpayer subsidy for other Mexico Social Security System
Foreign workers will still receive retirement credit for the taxes they pay--which is only fair--but the U.S. taxpayer will not be forced to subsidize another country's social security system, nor would people who are here illegally get social security benefits.
No Social Security Checks for Illegal Aliens
Whereas, it’s bad enough that illegal aliens are flooding over our borders and destroying our country;
And Totalization will reward those same illegal aliens with Social Security checks instead of punishing them;
Social Security is for Americans;
I offer my signature below as proof that I strongly oppose Totalization and respectfully request that every member of Congress, also oppose this scheme to give Social Security checks to illegal aliens.
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The No Social Security Checks for Illegal Aliens petition to United States House of Representatives was written by Ron Wilcox and is in the category Government at GoPetition.