- Target:
- Burlington On
- Region:
- Canada
Ontario’s Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 supports land use intensification by encouraging more optimal use of land, infrastructure, resources and services.
The unintended consequence of this policy is that we are slowly but surely losing the battle and control over what we would like our city to look like and this development is a prime example of how this decision will soon come before the OMB.
In essence someone other than the citizens of Burlington will make the decision even if we don't want the development as proposed and as rejected by our planning professionals.
TO: The City of Burlington Council and the OMB
Whereas: The planning department have recommended the City not approve the development commonly known as 374 Martha St - Nautique for the reasons rendered by the planning department and as excerpted from planning document PB 23-15 and as summarized below:
Please note and be aware that, in so far as:
Big Move:“… the City can meet its targets without the over intensification…”p.17,
Places to Grow:”… the City does not require the over development of one small property in the Urban Growth Centre in order to achieve the minimum density target…” p.16
PPS: “…the proposal represents over-intensification on a site that is too small and does not provide adequate setbacks, buffering amenity space or parking standards…” p.13
Regional Official Plan: “…does not achieve an urban form that is complimentary
to existing developed areas...” p.22
Intensification Strategy Regional and City plan:”.. will be achieved by 2031 without amendments that significantly depart from the City’s Official Plan….” P.23
MHOC Study: “.. development would not be in keeping with the principles and preliminary directions stemming from the MHOC study…”p.26
Urban Growth:”.. Burlington is well positioned to achieve a total of 200 residents and jobs per hectare by 2031 taking into consideration the existing Official Plan…” p.32
Official Plan: “… the development fails to satisfy a number of intensification criterion including…off-street parking…achievement of compatibility…adequate buffering…proposals to be well integrated with the existing neighborhood…building height mass and density…and fails to satisfy the residential intensification polices of the Official plan…” p.58
Planning Opinion By-law 2020: “…the zoning changes requested are excessive. The site as proposed would be overbuilt and should not be approved.” p. 67
We, the citizens, by way of this petition, would like to take back control of development in our city.
We, the undersigned, electors, citizens and residents of Burlington in the Province of Ontario, draw the attention of Council:
THAT: We are adamantly against development of this site as proposed by the developer as of Oct 30,2016
THEREFORE: your petitioners call upon the Council of the City of Burlington to reject the proposal for the aforementioned reasons.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The No to Nautique Burlington petition to Burlington On was written by DemocracyWatchdog1 and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.