NO to proposed amendments to pass requirements for SA pupils in grades 1 to 9

- Target:
- South African Citizens
- Region:
- South Africa
As at 2009, the pass requirements for grade 10-12 pupils in South African schools stood at 40% in three subjects (including home language) and 30% in three other subjects. These amendments not only made for appalling pass requirements and a decline in the quality of the pupil's work ethic, but essentially robbed South African school pupils of establishing an understanding of hard work and reaching their highest potential.
These amendments will now be considered for grades 1-9, cutting mathematics as a compulsory pass subject. This possible change not only accentuates the degradation of educational standards in the country, but also begins the process of further lowering the academic standards of South African school pupils at an extremely early age. As it is, the current pass criteria leaves high achievement in pupils as an option, rather than a goal and priority. While mathematics comes as a challenge for some pupils, and is arguably not a subject that needs to be used beyond the classroom in some instances - the ability and will to learn and acquire skills in mathematics and other key situations in the pupils' lives are written off.
Academic success cultivates future leaders. Beyond knowledge, our children stand to lose the will to work hard and perform at their highest calibre in school. With this concern, we would hereby request that parliament rule out the possibility of removing mathematics as a compulsory pass subject for school pupils.
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