- Target:
- None
- Region:
- Website:
- www.youtube.com
"There is only the one race which is so obviously inferior to all others. They
are killing themselves with Aides, Crack, and Crime. The world will be far
better when that unproductive race is gone"
" jimmyhogjowels is right
i dont mean to be racist, but africa is the un productive race, they dont work
they kill in gangs, and look at africa...its a fucking shithole.
why? because black people run it"
Ignorance destroys the world.
Words can cut deeper than any knife
They can hit harder than any punch
Whoever came up with 'sticks and stones'
Has never really known
The pain of racisim
What is it
That makes someone superior
To another from a different race
What gives someone
The right to pass judgement
On anyone
What does it matter
How someone looks
Or what colour they are
Skin is what protects our inner organs
Does it really matter what colour it is
As long as it's doing it's job, right?
When you cut it open
Don't we all bleed the same?
Aren't we all the same on the inside?
Don't we all have hearts, lungs and livers?
Despite our races
Don't we all cry over similar things?
Don't we all laugh at similar things?
Don't we all need air to breath?
Food to eat
And water to drink?
Don't we all have wants and needs?
Don't we all have desires?
Don't we all hurt?
When you really think about it
Don't we all have more in common than we have in differences?
We are all human
We are all people
Our only difference is how we look
Has anything really changed all these years after the slave trade?
Do some races still think they're more superior than others?
Haven't we all matured just a little more since then?
After all these years?
Yesterday I was on youtube.com and came across an animated clip called The
N-word. After watching it I scrolled down to have a read of some of the
comments people made. I came across these two comments:
"There is only the one race which is so obviously inferior to all others. They
are killing themselves with Aides, Crack, and Crime. The world will be far
better when that unproductive race is gone"
" jimmyhogjowels is right
i dont mean to be racist, but africa is the un productive race, they dont work
they kill in gangs, and look at africa...its a fucking shithole.
because black people run it"
and needless to say I was shocked at how amazingly callous and short-sighted
people can be. I mean I know there are some really racist people out there but
this was just shocking. One person is basically wishing for a whole race to
just die and the other is agreeing with them. Jimmyhogjowels is lumping every
black person together. He's making a generalised statement. I'm not trying to
defend all the blacks that do crack, have aids or rob people. What they do is wrong, I know that. But you can't say that blacks are the ONLY people that do crack, have aids or are into crime. And that slur about being unproductive,
what about Oprah. She suffered such a teribble childhood and had the strength
to live and make something out of her life. She has donated millions to charity and has helped many people have a voice on her extreamly popular, internationaly watched TV show, she has touched many people and changed many others lives.
What about all the black comedians out there who make thousands, no millions of
people laugh? What about Condolisa Rice? What about Martin Luther King Jr?
What about Malcom X? But I can hear Jimmyhogjowels disagreeing that any of that is productive or makes us any less inferior. Sure blacks didn't invent anything or come up with the relativity theory, but that doesen't mean they're any less productive or inferior to whites. But they were really strong, they coped alot of shit. So please Jimmyhogjowels, stop trying to make yourself sound intelligent by using big words to structure your racist shit, have you even read African history? Do you know what they've been through? Judging by your increadibly weak argument on blacks you don't really know anything. How then can you pass such a harsh judgment when you know close to nothing about our history? About our productiveness or "unproductive"ness?
Killsy, just because you put ' i dont mean to be racist' in front of a racist
sentence doesn't stop you from being racist. You think Africa is a "fucking
shithole. Because black people run it". How do you know this? From all the
world vision adds on TV? From all the documentry's on Africa? From all the
pictures of starving kids with big, hunger stricken bellys? Have you been to
Africa and seen it for yourself or is the media your only source? Have you read any African history? Do you know what or who turned Africa into the shithole it is? I'm not saying there are no starving kids in Africa or that there is no poverty. It's there but Africa isn't only about poverty. Africa is very rich in agriculture, wildlife and culture. Africa actually has alot of possitive atributes, they just don't show them in the documentrys. As for Africa being a shithole, I've got one more question for you, was it a shithole before whiteman invaded it?
I'm just a fifteen year old black girl trying to make a difference. Lately I'm
more aware and selfconcious when I'm out in the public eye.
I'm sure millions
of other teens feel the same way across the world from all different
backgrounds. And I'm also sure that Jimmyhogjowels and killsy aren't the only
racists in the world but hey, a journey of a thousand steps begins with one
step. Please, please, PLEASE, put your name on this petition and send this to
all your contacts if you are not racist.
If you are it's about time to wake up and stop being so concieted.
"And one day he'll understand
And he'll see me as a person not just a black man "
Blessed Union of Souls- I Believe lyrics
If you are a member of youtube.com please, please, please send this petition to them, preferably when hundreds of people have signed it ;). These are their account names:
Say, NO to racism.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The NO to racism petition to None was written by Asha and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.