Objection to British Sugar Site (Peterborough) consultation process and development plans

- Target:
- Rapleys LLP and Peterbrough City Council
- Region:
- United Kingdom
The development proposal comprises a new residential neighbourhood with up to 70 dwellings along with a new Lidl foodstore, which will be located opposite Valley Park Centre.
A public consultation has been arranged for 24 August 2017, 1pm until 6pm. The original outline planning permission was granted over 3 months before, and the consultation has now been arranged for a date that many people cannot attend due to school holidays or work.
Notice of the consultation was given barely two weeks prior to the date of the event, and issued in a hand delivered envelope that could easily be mistaken as junk mail, which therefore some residents initially missed.
There are significant concerns being raised, largely over the provision of facilities and safety regarding this development proposal, and at present no evidence of satisfactory proposals to resolve showing on the information shared online by Rapleys or Peterborough City Council.
Key areas of concern:
Traffic management
Increased pressure on local services
Potential threat to existing businesses
Please take two minutes to complete this petition if you are in agreement with the general concerns regarding the way this consultation event has been organised and the overall plans for the site.
I, the undersigned, require my objection to the Peterborough British Sugar Site consultation process and planned development to be taken into consideration by Peterborough City Council and Rapleys and we would like our concerns addressed before approving any further stages of this development.
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The Objection to British Sugar Site (Peterborough) consultation process and development plans petition to Rapleys LLP and Peterbrough City Council was written by PN_Right1 and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.