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On 29th October, the BBC suspended radio and TV celebrities Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand from broadcasting their shows pending investigation to prank calls aired on Brand's Radio 2 program.
The calls, which was intended as a jokes, were left on the answer phone of actor Andrew Sachs, who had agreed to do an interview on the show.
There were several complaints from the public due to Ross's swearing, rather than the content of the calls, until a Sunday newspaper stepped in and blew the situation out of proportion. Complaints to Ofcom then went through the roof from people who more than likely only heard about this through the media, rather than listeners of the program itself. Fuddy duddies who are missing their funny bones.
Now it's not just the media setting on Brand and Ross's show, but MPs who obviously have nothing better to do than trying to censor a couple of celebrity jokers, while the economy goes down the pan, people are being made redundant, we have the highest unemployment in years, banks are going bust etc etc.
Ross and Brand have both apologised for their actions, this should have been an end to it, but instead they have both been pulled from the air.
Has everyone lost their sense of humour?
We, the undersigned, call on the BBC & Radio 2, to forgive Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand for their phone prank, and put them back on the air!
We understand that the prank may not have been in good taste, but this is what these comedians are renowned for, and Andrew Sachs has forgiven them when they apologised.
We, as listeners and viewers of the Beeb, are angry to see the suspensions of these two entertainers, for doing something that only received two complaints (for the language used by Jonathan) until the media blew it out of proportion.
BRING BACK ROSS AND BRAND! We pay our TV licenses too you know!
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The Online Protest Against The Suspension Of Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand petition to BBC was written by Hannah and is in the category Humor at GoPetition.