- Target:
- Sandra Pupatello, Minister Of Community and Social Serives
- Region:
- Canada
Ontario continues to clawback almost all of the National Child Benefit Supplement from Ontario Disability Support Program recipients. The money is given to you from your federal government only to be taken away by your Ontario government. The clawback is unfair to the children of disabled people and these children will continue to suffer at the hands of the Ontario Government until this process is stopped.
The purpose of the National Child Benefit Supplement is so that it reaches those children most in need.... the clawback makes sure it doesnt.
Please sign the petitition.
Also call the Minister of Community and Social Services:
Sandra Pupatello
MPP Windsor West
Constituency Office
1483 Ouellette Avenue,
Windsor, ON N8X 1K1
Tel: (519) 977-7191
Fax: (519) 977-7029
Email her
Stand up and help protect the rights of the disabled on ODSP. Stand up for the children of disabled people suffering at the hands of this government.
One voice will not be heard. We need to make ourselves heard as a unit, so that they understand that its a matter that needs immediate attention.
We, citizens of Ontario, disabled persons on ODSP with children living in Ontario, families of disabled persons, friends of disabled persons, ontario communities, will no longer tolerate the Ontario Governments abuse towards this group of people and thier children.
We, the citizens of Ontario, demand that the Ontario Government stop the clawback of the National Child Benefit Supplement from Ontario Disability Support Program Recipients immediately.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Ontario Stop Clawback of National Child Benefit Supplement From Disabled petition to Sandra Pupatello, Minister Of Community and Social Serives was written by Penny Morris and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.