Opposition to Proposed Gullace Apartment Complex Between Church St and Lynaugh

- Target:
- Village and Town of Victor Planning Board
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- protectvictor.weebly.com
Town and Village of Victor residents concerned with the proposal of a 10 unit apartment complex in a quiet close knit neighborhood made up primarily of "owner occupied" single family homes.
We, the undersigned, stand united to the proposed Gullace Rental Apartment complex between Church St. and Lynaugh Rd. The 1985 re-zoning of this land to "Multi Dwelling" was specifically intended for resident owned units, not rentals. We believe this new proposal violates the 1985 intention.
Furthermore, in the 29 years which have passed, massive single family developments have gone up in and around this area. A multi-unit complex is completely out of character with this neighborhood.
Lastly, the current traffic situation at Church/96 and Lynaugh/96 is already failing. The addition of so many more cars would truly make the situation far too dangerous to be acceptable by the village and town. Additional concerns are: stress on schools, environmental impact and damage to surrounding property values.
We encourage you to deny this proposed development.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Opposition to Proposed Gullace Apartment Complex Between Church St and Lynaugh petition to Village and Town of Victor Planning Board was written by Terry Iddings and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.