- Target:
- Plantation Bay Community Association
- Region:
- United States of America
The Voting Members of the PBCA, pursuant to FS 720-3.03 have chosen to use the Petition Process to have items placed on the agenda for the June 29, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting.
The petition is necessitated by the lack of acceptance by the President, of several items requested to be added by The Secretary and Board Member of the PBCA.
The undersigned, a duly elected Voting Member of the PBCA, having the voting authority to cast votes on behalf of my sub-district members, hereby petition the Board of Directors of the PBCA to add the following 4 Items to the agenda of Board of Directors Meeting scheduled for Monday June 29, 2009.
Specific Items requested as enumerated in the Email of The Secretary to the President which include:
1. Old Business Item:
Bring to the Table the Discussion over the proposal to adopt Resolution:
" Admittance to Plantation Bay through the means of electronic scanning is reserved to the Residents/Owners ONLY of property in Plantation Bay, through the Residents Only Gate Access"
New Business Items:
1. To have the Board approve a resolution to apportion all Mosquito Spraying Charges among the recipients of this service. Those entities include, Residents of Flagler County, Residents of Westlake, Plantation Bay Country Club within Flagler County.
2. To add a statement of policy to the Security Policy manual:
"All vendors must register at the security office ( Gate), with specific purpose of visit, addresses to be visited and estimated time to be on property of the PBCA. The Security Patrol should perform duties to insure all vendors are complying with the terms of admittance, and if found in violation , remove said vendor."
"Where a vendor is going to perform work that requires a County Permit or prior approval of the PBCA Modifications Committee all said permits and or approvals must be presented To the Security Department at time of admittance. "
All Access permits should be date time stamped with expected Expiration time. All vendors will return admittance permit to Security upon leaving the property. Failure to comply with this policy, could lead the specific vendors not being allowed admittance in the future."
3. Amend the By-Laws of the PBCA to enumerate the Duties and Responsibilities of the By-Law designated Officers, adopting the Procedures of the Roberts Rules of Order and State Corporate protocol.
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The PBCA Voting Member Petition to add Agenda Items petition to Plantation Bay Community Association was written by Russell R. Reinke and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.