- Target:
- Rockstar Games Inc.
- Region:
- United States of America
Hello friends,
My name is Michael, and I am a long-time fan of Rockstar Games. Since the release and my personal playthrough of "Red Dead Redemption 2" I have been overcome with powerful feelings of joy, pain, introspection, and motivation. I know that many players have experienced this, and these feelings can only come with a desire to share. Unfortunately, many are not inclined towards playing video games, or they lack the time and resourced to sit down and play (I think specifically of my wife and my parents). Even I find myself with a strong desire to replay often, without the ability to do so. Because of this, I thought of how convenient it would be to have it in text to read or listen to*. So, I have started this petition in order to request the transition of the story to text through which many more can enjoy the tale of the Van Der Linde gang.
For those unaware, the Story of RDR2 follows a western gunman named Arthur Morgan and his crew, the Van Der Linde gang. It is a story full of suspense, hope, pain, pleasure, friendship, betrayal, love, hate, and death as Arthur tries to hold the continuously corrupted gang together and save his adopted family. The end causes introspection as one must consider what type of life you are living and what changes you could make to leave a good legacy and impact on those around you. It is a story more than deserving of the exposure it would receive from a move to old media.
I think that this transition is somewhat obvious.The in-game story is already divided into chapters, which is what first gave me the idea. Furthermore, Let us not forget the easter egg left in "Grand Theft Auto 5" of the "Red Dead" book in Michael's house. As for the title of this book, it might not make sense to call it "Red Dead Redemption 2" if there isn't a first book. Upon consideration I believe "Red Dead Redemption" is a good title for Arthur's story, or even "Red Dead Revolver" as a nod to the games predecessor as well as slight bit of symbolism that what goes around comes around. If none of these are satisfactory, I would bet that there are a great number of lines in-game that would provide a fitting title.
Personally, I do not feel this would be too difficult of a task. To begin, the dialog of the story is already written, simplifying transition. A writer or team of writers would be needed in order to eloquently detail all of the visuals of the story, and the game made clear that Rockstar already has a beloved team of expert writers who could do a more than satisfactory job of that. While I recognize and have deeply considered that the medium of video games is extremely effective at drawing the player in and invoking a feeling of partnership, I have come to the conclusion that the story would still be extremely effective as a book. With its flawless plot and empowering subplots and side-missions, I know the readers would be enthralled. I think it's obvious that some subplots would need to be abandoned, and I would leave that to the writers to choose which ones would stay and which would be cut. Undoubtedly, the story would follow an HONORABLE Arthur.
As I have thought about it, the entirety of the story contained in the game could be included in the game, leaving the option of a sequel containing the story of John Marston and "Red Dead Redemption" if this book proves to be lucrative. Both stories are quite full of meaning and intrigue; Arthur's story, however, is truly bursting with it and I feel it is a tragedy that people will go on without having experienced it. Therefore I beg that this book be approved and completed, that new people might discover (and that I and many other devoted and appreciative fans can share) the work of art that you, the Rockstar team, has made.
I recognize that this would be a costly and somewhat risky venture economically, especially during these tough times. However, I have a strong feeling that many would have the desire to purchase the book, and have started this position to confirm and bring this feeling forward. I apologize if anyone is offended at me undertaking this petition with all the trouble in the world right now, but this story is something that has given me joy, comfort and clarity during these times and I hope it can do the same for others.
Either way, I would like to end stating my thanks to those who worked to perfect this game, as well as the boahs of the RDR fandom communities that I have enjoyed conversing and sharing experiences with. I hope to see this project through, to contribute as well as I can to the fanbase and to the world.
Please sign to covey your support of the project and of Rockstar Games. All help, support, and work is greatly appreciated.
Michael Arce
*P.S. An audio book of the story, read by Roger Clark (Arthur's voice actor) would be the funniest, most amazing thing to ever grace the world.
We, the undersigned, request that Rockstar Games Inc., whether by creative rights permission, funding, or direct oversight and production, allow the story of Arthur Morgan and the Van Der Linde gang contained in "Red Dead Redemption 2" to be converted and transcribed into a book to be enjoyed by young and old alike for many generations.
We express our interest in the previously-mentioned book, as well as our great gratitude for the joy we have experienced thus far thanks to the hard work of the Rockstar team over the last two decades.
We hope you will accept our plea and we eagerly await future works.
Your fans.
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The Petition for a "Red Dead Redemption 2" Book petition to Rockstar Games Inc. was written by Michael Arce and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.