City of Sydney

A petition calling on the Lord Mayor Clover Moore and the City of Sydney to write to the NSW Government endorsing and participating in the NSW Shared E-Scooter Trial.

The NSW Government in April 2022 announced expressions of interest to participate in a trial of shared e-scooters that begun in July 2022. A notice of motion expressing the City to participate in the trial was presented at Council. However, the Clover Coalition and Greens Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore pushed through an amended motion rejecting the trial and taking the position that Council 'will monitor progress with E-Scooter trials in other locations over the next 12-18 months.'
Despite City of Melbourne and City of Hobart Councils participating in shared e-scooter trials and Brisbane City Council already having e-scooters in operation, the City of Sydney is now behind the eight ball when it comes to being a leader in alternative greener methods of transportation.

The trial provides strict regulations and conditions for riders including:
1.) No riding on footpaths;
2.) Riding permitted on bike paths and shared paths;
3.) Riding allowed on lower speed roads;
4.) Compulsory helmets;
5.) Riders to be minimum 16 years;
6.) 25km/h speed limits and 10km/h speed limits on shared paths; and
7.) Night-time riding not allowed.

Authorised by Shauna Jarrett 155 King Street, Sydney NSW 2000.

The petition is asking Lord Mayor Clover Moore and the Council to reconsider the position of the City of Sydney and to write to the NSW Government expressing the City's intention to participate in the shared e-scooter trial and to work with the NSW Government to work on ways to help facilitate the trial of the NSW Government's shared e-scooter trial.

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The Petitioning City of Sydney to Participate in NSW Government's E-Scooter Trial petition to City of Sydney was written by Shauna Jarrett and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.