- Target:
- British Columbia Minister of Health
- Region:
- Canada
Edited to note Pharmacy Loyalty Points changes:
As of January 31, 2014 no consumer in British Columbia will be eligible to receive incentive points for prescriptions. If you feel this is an abuse on your consumer and/or fair business practices please sign this petition in support of all consumers.
Beginning in July, a new Pharmacy Services Agreement will come into effect and loyalty programs will be allowed but only on the portion of the prescription paid for by the patient. Details as follows:
On July 7, 2010, the Province of BC concluded an agreement (the Pharmacy Services Agreement) with the BC Pharmacy Association and the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores. This agreement sets out significant changes to the Pharmacy Participation Agreement that defines the Province’s relationship with pharmacies that submit claims to the PharmaCare program.
In recognition of these changes, the Province developed the PharmaCare Enrolment Agreement to replace existing Pharmacy Participation Agreements.
The Agreement disallows pharmacies from offering inducements to secure prescription orders, or in relation to the provision of a drug, medical supply, or service on the portion of the cost of that drug, supply or service paid for or reimbursed by the Province through PharmaCare.
The Agreement defines “inducement” as: “consideration including, but not limited to, cash, points, loyalty points, coupons, discounts, goods, rewards and similar schemes which can be redeemed for a gift or other benefit.”
Inducements to secure prescription orders were previously prohibited under the former Pharmacy Participation Agreement that defined the Province’s relationship with pharmacies that submit claims to the PharmaCare program. The Pharmacy Participation Agreement stated: “No goods or considerations beyond those approved in negotiations between the Government of British Columbia and the British Columbia Pharmacy Association shall be offered by any party to any other party as an inducement to secure prescription orders.” Notwithstanding this prohibition, pharmacies introduced various forms of inducement programs.
In response to correspondence and complaints from pharmacies and the public, the Minister of Health directed the Pharmaceutical Services Division to take action to ensure pharmacies abide by the terms set out in the Pharmacy Participation Agreement.
Under the terms of the Agreement, effective July 4, 2011, loyalty programs will be restricted to the portion of the prescription cost that is borne by the patient.
The Province’s interest is in the inequity that government funded benefits are being provided to patients and not being made available to other taxpayers, and more specifically the perception that this is occurring (i.e., government paying for a large proportion of a patient’s drug costs and the patient accumulating loyalty points as a result and receiving a free gift).
Facebook Group - We are all British Columbians - if the BC Government cannot help us let us help each other - please join to share your story http://www.facebook.com/groups/224146337610345?ap=1
The folks at Occupy Vancouver are working together creating a fair system of sharing the wealth. Please join us at The Vancouver Art Gallery.
We the undersigned call on the British Columbia Ministry of Health to allow loyalty points for PharmaCare and all prescription medicines.
We believe the inequity of removing loyalty points is against the Provinces most vulnerable people, including the elderly, the disabled, and low income families. Many of PharmaCare patients rely on loyalty points to redeem in gift cards used for food and other necessities as their income falls well below the poverty line.
Not allowing PharmaCare patients the same rights as other consumers is petty and will result in hardship for many of British Columbia's disadvantaged.
While, as of January 31, 2014 all consumers will be denied loyalty points on prescriptions, should their rights be considered and incentives reinstated, we ask that all citizens be included in the decision.
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The PharmaCare and Consumer Loyalty Points petition to British Columbia Minister of Health was written by Gayle Olson and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.