- Target:
- City of St. Cloud City Council and Planning Commission
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- m.facebook.com
Once again Torborg builders has little regard for the wishes of residence in St. Cloud as well as disregard for our city comprehensive plan by attempting another hearing to rezone property at 1999 Pine Cone Rd and the southern portion of the property at 1971 Pine Cone Rd from R2, Single Family and two family residential district to Planned Unit Development (PUD).
If approved, it’d allow for a 75unit, multi family apartment building and 12 single family detached homes along the southern and western property lines.
In November 2017 we created a petition against the rezone which was originally proposed as a 100 unit, multi family apartment complex and no single family homes.
We had obtained 250 signatures from property owners and their family members. Ultimately our goal was accomplished by the planning and zoning commission “not recommend” the rezone to City Council. Our City Council also ruled in our favor; not rezoning the property.
Yet, here we are... again telling the city we do not agree with the apartment building.
Please take some time to come to the public hearing with the Planning Commission on Tuesday June 12, 2018 at 6pm in the City Council Chambers. Next stop following this hearing will be City Council meeting which is on Monday, July 9th, 2018 at 6pm in the City Council Chambers at City Hall.
We, the undersigned, request the City of St. Cloud Planning Commission to decline the request from Torborg Construction, LLC on behalf of Minnesota North District LCMS and Love of Christ Lutheran Churches to rezone all the property located at 1999 Pine Cone Road and the southern portion of the property located at 1971 Pine Cone Road from R2, Single Family and Two Family Residential District to Planning Unit Development (PUD). We, do not support the rezone nor the request to build a 75 unit multi family apartment building.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Pinecone Rezone Petition petition to City of St. Cloud City Council and Planning Commission was written by Sara Gangle and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.