Please Help Queen West
- Portland Area Residents Association

- Target:
- Toronto City Council
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
We support 8-story condos on Portland Street - not 12!
* Please help us ensure condo growth is responsible, by signing (and sharing on your social media if you can). *
"We the undersigned concerned citizens of the Greater Toronto Area request that in regards to the development application at 502 Adelaide Street West in Toronto (known as the former Para Paints building), that the following conditions apply (as outlined on the attached document ‘Explanation of Conditions Requested’):
1. Height restriction on all four sides, to blend in with the immediately surrounding historic two-story worker row houses and factory buildings.
2. Free-flowing traffic on both Portland Street and Adelaide Street West.
3. Greenspace along the entire Portland Street side, plus roof gardens."
Their proposal and ours can be seen here:
To Toronto City Council, regarding the development application at 502 Adelaide Street West in Toronto.
1. Height restriction on all four sides, to blend in with the immediately surrounding historic two-story worker row houses and factory buildings.
-it is our goal to preserve the heritage look of the two-story row houses and last remaining post & beam factory buildings on Portland Street and the surrounding area. The proposed development at 502 Adelaide Street West has historic buildings on each of the four sides of the proposal property, and another historic building diagonally across the opposite corner (the SpiritHouse building). For this reason, we wish to impose the following height restrictions:
-West: on the Portland Street side a greenspace noted below, then a building structure set back behind the greenspace terracing up from two (2) stories - to blend in with the immediately facing historic two-story worker row houses on the west side, up to eight (8) stories against the east laneway;
-North: behind the two-story structure noted above to the rear street (alley), no higher than eight (8) stories, to blend in with the immediate facing historic four and a half-story 'post & beam' factory building at 127 Portland Street (EF ESL School);
-East: the entire length of the east property line from 127 Portland Street to Adelaide Street West, no higher than eight (8) stories, to blend in with the immediate facing historic three and a half-story 'post & beam' factory building at 490 Adelaide Street West (Circle Productions);
-South: along Adelaide Street West, from Portland Street heading east - first a greenspace noted below, then a building structure behind the greenspace no higher than two (2) stories, to blend in with the immediately facing historic two-story worker row houses, then no higher than eight (8) stories, to blend in with the diagonally facing historic three-story 'post & beam' factory building at 487 Adelaide Street West (SpiritHouse building).
* The 543-553 Richmond Street West development at the north end of the block, on the Portland Street and Richmond Street West corner, is limited to a 7-storey structure at the corner - with a setback from both streets, and a 550 square meter greenspace down their Portland Street side.
2. Free-flowing traffic on both Portland Street and Adelaide Street West.
Traffic and illegal stopping around this proposed building at the corner of Adelaide Street West and Portland Street is a safety concern for the neighbourhood and its visitors. This is already a very congested corner with high traffic from vehicles, crossing two busy pedestrian flows and a very important artery to two bike paths. One could argue that this is a Parking Enforcement issue, when in fact an officer might need to be there 24/7/365 to keep this corner safe!
We wish this proposed building to include a 'kiss & ride' set back inside of the traffic lane and before the sidewalk on Adelaide Street West. This will hopefully avert any safety issues, and greatly reduce the impact of this building on local and visiting pedestrians and drivers. This will also be a great benefit to those loading disabled tenants and visitors to this condo building and retail spaces therein.
3. Greenspace along the entire Portland Street side, plus roof gardens.
Greenspace along the entire Portland Street side of the property after the sidewalk, of no less than 400 square meters. Roof gardens - the total of roof garden and street greenspace to be equal to the building footprint.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Please Help Queen West petition to Toronto City Council was written by Portland Area Residents Association and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.