- Target:
- Alfa Romeo South Africa - FCASA
- Region:
- South Africa
Alfa Romeo dealerships are arguably the worst dealerships in the automotive industry in South Africa, this is if you believe consumer views...don't believe me? Ask any person next to you right now what they think, heard, believe Alfa Romeo dealerships to be like?
I have personally had Alfa Romeo dealership experiences over the last decade, most of which were utterly poor. If not for my love of the products I'd never have allowed myself this frustration for such a long period of time...its torture if you really think about it.
I read time and time again of new complaints on social media, new frustrations, new concerns, new lows, new "I'll never buy another Alfa Romeo" statements...when will it stop? The introduction of the Giulia was supposed to make us Alfisti and general car guy on the street forget about the bad reputation Alfa Romeo dealerships have managed to attain for themselves, but it didn't. Low sales figures easily attributable to poor, poor advertising, poor vehicle specs and generally poor sales staff has led to a golden opportunity being missed. Go to any online vehicle sale platform, type in Alfa Romeo Giulia, no look past the pretty car, read the advert description...yes...that lack of detail, that poor quality advert is not attracting me, its telling me nothing.
I can ramble on all day about my misfortune and this can easily be backed by more misfortune of complete strangers in South Africa all connected by the dreaded Alfa Romeo dealership visit.
We, the Alfisti in South Africa, call on Alfa Romeo South Africa to immediately step in and clean up the act of all Alfa Romeo dealerships, train the people on the product, professionalism, courtesy, general brand knowledge and general customer service.
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The Poor Alfa Romeo Dealership Service petition to Alfa Romeo South Africa - FCASA was written by Lance Turner and is in the category Consumer Affairs at GoPetition.