#Local Government
Local governments
United States of America

For years goverment has told us they will help us after a major stormare. They didn't do anything to help the people in Bay county after hurricane Michael. We are going into another hurricane season and there are families still living in storage buildings. There is price gouging everywhere down here. People taking advantage of others misfortune by charging outrageous application fees to apply for a house or apartment. Then, if you don't get the house or apartment, you have to pay these fees evertime you apply for a different place. Tell me why before the storm it was a 25 dollar application fee and now after the storm its 100 dollar process fee along with 25 dollar application fee.
I propose that if the governor of a state declares an area in their state state a disaster area, then all prices including housing,food,gas and utilities should freeze where they are until the lift that declaration. It will give people a fighting chance to gather the pieces of their life and put it back together. I'm not saying to raise tax or limit free enterprise or that the goverment should have to pay for anything. I just think we need more help after these major storms by not taking advantage of people.

The undersigned people demand that local goverments place a freeze on all pricing after a govenor has declared an area in their state a National Disaster Area until the declaration for the area has been lifted.

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The Price gouging after major storms. petition to Local governments was written by Tony Carroll and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.