- Target:
- Users of Princes Park
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- www.musc.com.au
The area south of Visy Park at Princes Park (the Southern Sports Area) accommodates a range of community sporting activities, including cricket and touch rugby in summer, and soccer in winter. Council strongly supports sports participation at Princes Park, when sports grounds are used for competition and training throughout the year. Demand for the use of these sports grounds is increasing throughout the City of Melbourne and Council is currently unable to meet the demand for grounds in Princes Park.
The Southern Sports Area can cater for the demand for increased grounds and facilities for sports use with the redevelopment works described below.
In 2012 the City of Melbourne Councillors signed off on the Princes Park Master Plan after consultation with residents, sporting groups and other users of the park. The Plan includes the following recommendations:
- Upgrade sports surfaces within the southern sports field area to enable flexible community use. Works include regrading, irrigation and drainage improvements and best practice turf surfaces.
- Implement sports lighting around the perimeter of the southern sports fields in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards.
- Install a multipurpose fully accredited synthetic sports surface on Crawford Oval. This will increase the carrying capacity for the same amount of sports area. Retain sports lighting and upgrade existing boundary fence.
- As a part of Council’s pavilion refurbishment program, review the capacity of the southern pavilion to accommodate increased usage.
- Develop a new turf cricket oval to the south of Oval One. Create low mounds between Oval One and southern sports field area to provide enhanced views of the ovals. Install seating and introduce additional tree planting for natural shade.
- Upgrade the cricket nets adjacent to the Southern Pavilion.
These works will dramatically increase the quality of the playing and training ground surfaces, which all sporting groups at the park share. These improvements are long overdue for clubs at Princes Park. With the projected increase in demand for sports fields, now is the time to make the plan a reality.
This is a petition to call on the City of Melbourne Councillors to approve the redevelopment works at Princes Park under the budget for the 2013-14 financial year.
The southern area of Princes Park has long been used primarily for sports (e.g. soccer, cricket, Aussie rules, touch rugby); however, with the exception of the Carlton Cricket Club, the fields and facilities in this area have long been below average for training and competition, and for equipment storage, changing areas and social events.
In 2012 the City of Melbourne Councillors signed off on the Princes Park Master Plan after consultation with residents, sporting groups and other users of the park (see http://goo.gl/K2xWc). The Plan includes the following recommendations for the Southern Sporting Area:
(a) Refurbishment of the Southern Pavilion (as a part of Council’s pavilion refurbishment program) for increased usage, storage and social events.
(b) Implementation of sports lighting around the perimeter of the southern sports fields (in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards).
Now is our chance to help make the changes reality. Show the Councillors your support for the long overdue upgrades to the southern area of Princes Park and sign the petition.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Princes Park Master Plan petition for action petition to Users of Princes Park was written by Melbourne University Soccer Club and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.