- Target:
- Transport Department HK
- Region:
- Hong Kong
南丫島居民的生活,因為HKKF 港九小輪控股有限公司對近年就訪島遊客人數增加的趨勢,缺乏遠見,而變得日漸艱難。
同時,渡輪公司亦應重新就乘客人數不同情況,作出相應的調配,為服務使用者提供合適大小的船隻和適時的班次調配。既然,每一個週末及公眾假期,居民及遊客對渡輪服務的需求,已經是一個可見的事實, HKKF 港九小輪控股有限公司不應再有任何藉口就這顯然的服務需求缺乏長遠的計劃。
Living on Lamma has become even harder due to the lack of foresight from the HKKF ferry provider about the numbers of tourists visiting the island.
On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, the ferry company should ensure that at least one turnstile is set aside for Lamma residents' use to enable them to get home from central pier 4.
It is not reasonable for the ferry company to restrict access to these regular ferry users when demand for the ferry is high. This is the net effect of the current first-come, first-served policy.
In addition, the ferry should reconsider its current ad hoc response to passenger numbers to ensure that ferries of the right size and frequency are provided.
There is no longer any excuse for the poor planning and poor provision since huge weekend and public holiday demand is now a predictable event.
我們簽署人現向運輸署請願,要求HKKF 港九小輪控股有限公司為南丫島居民提供來往中環及榕樹灣的優先服務。
我們亦要求HKKF港九小輪控股有限公司就星期六、日及公眾假期渡輪服務使用者的巨大需求,修改其時間表和班次, 避免南丫島居民往返家園時受到影響。
We, the undersigned, call upon the Transport Department to push HKKF to provide priority ferry access to Lamma residents on the Central to Yung Shue Wan route.
We also demand that HKKF revise its ferry schedule for Saturdays, Sundays and Public holidays to take into account the huge demand from tourists which is currently delaying Lamma residents and preventing them from returning to their homes in a timely manner.
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The Priority Status for Lamma Island Residents on HKKF petition to Transport Department HK was written by Elizabeth Gower and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.