#Children's Rights
Prime Minister
United Kingdom

Here in Leicester, the city council have just proposed cutting 50% of the funding to their children's services. These proposals will cripple the provision of services that help the most vulnerable children across the board. They propose to slash funding to all kinds of organisations that help and support children in some of the most deprived areas of the city.

Organisations like the 9 adventure playgrounds that provide safe places for children to play and socialise with other children, the children's centres that provide community support and training to families and many other council funded schemes offering help to children and their families.

I understand that money is tight and savings must be made, but why is it that child and elderly services are the hardest hit.

I think that it is time for the level of cuts being proposed by local government in relation to child services be looked at further. It is short sighted to think that slashing the budget for child services is fiscally sound, as the children who need those services will be left waiting longer or being denied the help and support when they need it most. Not being to access the help when they need it, can cause long term damage to the child leading to maladaptive defence mechanisms, which Ieft in place, will cause a higher cost to the child and society as the child matures into adulthood.

It is well accepted across academia, that the longer a child is left in an abusive situation the harder it is for them to recover from the impact it has on their future outcomes. There is not enough provision of support or access to the professionals needed to head off a devastating impact for the children now, let alone when the budgets get trimmed even further.

It is imperative for future generations that a child is given all the support and help they require to become a positive productive adult. To let a child fail because there was not enough to resources, is unforgivable and preventable.

We, adults, have to take a stand for the futures of our children and speak out for them and their right to have a safe and secure environment to live in. If we don't, who will?

By returning funding to central government, a level of competency can be brought about nationally to the services needed by those most in need and who's voices are seldom heard or recognised.

Having a national playing field would, hopefully, end the secrecy that the individual agencies used in the past to cover up mistakes; see budgets set by national interests rather than the local councils who's priorities may lay in other areas; and help save the future outcomes of children that will eventually be the adults of the future.

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The Proposal to have children's services funding controlled by central rather than local government petition to Prime Minister was written by Carol Derry and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.