Protect Children From Universal Orlando Resort's Obscene Billboard Campaigns

- Target:
- Universal Orlando Resort and Clear Channel Outdoor
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
- Thomas Jefferson
If you are a concerned citizen who wants to protect young children from objectionable billboard ads, sign this petition today to inform both Universal Orlando Resort and Clear Channel Outdoor that you demand cessation of the provocative “Bloody Mary” billboard campaign as well as all future billboard campaigns that feature objectionable and obscene content.
Universal Orlando Resort and Clear Channel Outdoor, the billboard company displaying the ads, have glamorized graphic violence intended for mature consumption and demonstrated an intentional and blatant disregard for children, family values and community standards.
Universal Orlando Resort is currently justifying its billboards under First Amendment privileges and an official company position that the campaign complies with community standards, despite contrary media coverage as well as outspoken requests from concerned citizens and local government leaders to revise the offending billboard campaign. The official public relations mantra of the company, “Universal Orlando is staying within the range of what is acceptable to the community,” is apparently ignorant or ill-informed.
For the record, it should be noted that Universal Orlando Resort boldly admits the campaign is DELIBERATELY designed to shock citizens and their children as outlined in their corporate press release issued on August 26, 2008 which states:
“Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights billboards will use a combination of creativity and sheer scare-factor to introduce a new face behind the horror; a new presence at the event. That presence will take Halloween Horror Nights – and its billboards – to entirely new levels…The new billboards will be creative. They will be provocative. They will be larger-than-life. They will push the art form – and reaction to that art – to places other theme park billboards will not go.”
Universal Orlando Resort premeditated an advertising campaign that was specifically designed to ignite controversy with the apparent goal of generating revenue for Halloween Horror Nights at the expense of the minds and emotional well-being of Orlando’s children.
Concerned citizens simply can’t flip the TV channel or turn the “Bloody Mary” billboard off as they drive by with their children, day after day, on their way to school. This is the issue, that images intended for a mature audience are being thrust upon the minds and hearts of our children with no avenue of escape.
A visual reference of the “Bloody Mary” billboard is featured in the recent Orlando Sentinel article published on September 4, 2008 entitled “Moms to Universal Orlando: ‘Bloody Mary’ billboards too horrible,” and can be seen at,0,3893148.story
We, the undersigned, call on Universal Orlando Resort and Clear Channel Outdoor to cease the “Bloody Mary” billboard campaign and all future campaigns that feature objectionable content, and further, to implement ethical billboard content policies that respect and recognize the parental right to safeguard our children from potential mental and emotional harm.
Additionally, until Universal Orlando Resorts, Clear Channel Outdoor and its parent company Clear Channel Communications take tangible public action to resolve the aforementioned issue, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BOYCOTT THEIR PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND ADVERTISERS.
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The Protect Children From Universal Orlando Resort's Obscene Billboard Campaigns petition to Universal Orlando Resort and Clear Channel Outdoor was written by ChangeOrlandoBillboards and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.