- Target:
- Ontario Ministry of Education
- Region:
- Canada
Outside play is essential for all children. Studies espouse its benefits such as improving cognitive and motor skills, health and well being, and academic achievement. Many schools in Ontario are faced with play spaces that are either empty, in bad repair, or no longer meet the community needs. Play spaces are not a luxury; they are a necessity and the Ministry of Education should help provide them.
We know that the Government of Ontario has invested time and thought into the same topics because of the initiatives that it has launched:
Accessibility: “All public sector organizations with at least one employee ... make their new or redeveloped outdoor play spaces accessible.” ( Ministry of Economic Development, Employment & Infrastructure's “Accessibility Standard For the Design of Public Spaces” http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/en/mcss/programs/accessibility/info_sheets/public_spaces/play_spaces.aspx )
Nature: “Children have the right to explore and play in the outdoors. Research shows that kids who spend regular time in nature are happier and healthier.” (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, the Ontario Children's Outdoor Charter http://www.childrensoutdoorcharter.ca/)
Physical activity: “Providing physical activity equipment for all classes to use outdoors during recess and lunch breaks.” (Ministry of Education's “Foundations for a Healthy School”, page 1, http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/healthyschools/foundations.pdf )
Childhood obesity: The Ministry of Health and Long-term Care's panel provided recommendations on how to reduce childhood obesity. In response, the government created Ontario's Healthy Kids Strategy, part of which recognizes that healthy kids live in healthy schools. The Challenge is providing selected communities with funding over four years. http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/public/programs/healthykids/ For equity, all communities need help.
Independent organizations say similar guidelines, “In developed societies such as Canada, we must acknowledge that children need room to move and the opportunity to do so in a variety of settings and spaces, including the natural environment.” (Active Healthy Kids Canada's 2014 report http://www.activehealthykids.ca/reportcard/2014reportcard.aspx )
We agree. Help us follow your guidelines.
The Ontario schools listed all need your help. We want to create playgrounds or make existing playgrounds accessible or closer to nature but we can't do it alone. Help us invest in our future -- our children -- by providing funding or grants to expose them to play spaces that achieve your goals.
We, the undersigned, call on the Ministry of Education to provide funding or grants to help create, connect children to nature, or include children of all abilities in elementary school playgrounds.
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The Provide funding or grants to help elementary school playgrounds petition to Ontario Ministry of Education was written by Ruth Lee and is in the category Government at GoPetition.