- Target:
- Gymnastics Clubs
- Region:
- United Kingdom
To Coventry City Council
We (Coventry) are the 11th Biggest City in the UK with a Population of more than 300,000 But are unknown in the World of Gymnastics.
It is time WE as a City provide for our Children (Boys and Girls) the facilities that is fit for a City of our size, and that would make our children proud to be competing in the Name of Coventry.
We as a City should train our Children to compete in Gymnastics Grades and Levels competitions,
And as a City have the facilities to host competition.
Let's make our children proud of the facilities on offer in our City, and let us become united in serving and providing outstanding leadership, in helping our City Children representation in the Sport of Gymnastics.
We, the undersigned, call upon Coventry City Council. to help provide their City's Children's with a purpose built Competition Gymnastics Facilities.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Purpose Built Gymnastics Facility in Coventry City petition to Gymnastics Clubs was written by Dennis Anderson and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.