#Local Government
Kingston Upon Thames Council
United Kingdom

Due to the need for urgent environmental action. We have occupied an island in The Thames.

In these times of rising tides and melting ice shelves, we thought we should get a bit closer to studying the watery world and its rise.

Ravens Ait Island is a unique wedding and conference centre with halls, many rooms, workshop spaces, kitchens and gardens. On an enchanting island in The Thames near Kingston, (opposite Hampton Court). Which we are transforming into an Eco Conference Centre.

Come visit, help, book in to run a skill sharing workshop and put it on the timetable. Network it. There will be an ongoing discussion here “how do we find SOLUTIONS to the environmentally critical situation we face?”

We, the undersigned, petition the council to return the island to community use. To be used by many groups for the benefit of all rather than a commercial or private development.

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The Raven’s Ait Petition For Community Use petition to Kingston Upon Thames Council was written by T and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.