- Target:
- MTV Adria
- Region:
- Serbia
- Website:
- rbdfanclubsr-forum.co.cc
We want RBD on MTV Adria!RBD has a lot fans here,and we want to watch RBD on MTV Adria!There is nothing about them,and they are really popular here and they are coming to Serbia!
Želimo RBD na MTV Adrii!RBD ima puno fanova ovde i mi želimo da gledamo RBD na MTV Adrii!Nema ničega o njima , a oni su veoma popularni ovde i dolaze u Srbiju!
Potpiši peticiju RBD na MTV Adrii i omogući da se spotovi ove megapopularne grupe puštaju i ovde,na našem MTV-ju!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
20.00 EUR
1 week
60.00 EUR
3 weeks
100.00 EUR
5 weeks
200.00 EUR
10 weeks
500.00 EUR
25 weeks
∗ Specials are listed in red
The RBD on MTV Adria ! petition to MTV Adria was written by Petar and is in the category Music at GoPetition.