- Target:
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- bloomberg2009.org
Update: Feb 22, 2009
This petition is several years old. I started it in 2007 when I was speaking to people about trying to generate support to get bloomberg to run for a 3rd term. I was discouraged time and again by people telling me I was crazy and that, if anything, bloomberg would be making a run at the presidency. Turns out, I was a bit too early. I am ecstatic that bloomberg has decided he is interested in being our mayor.
I am interested in helping the bloomberg campaign, possibly obtaining a job helping the upcoming campaign. I would be happy to contribute this site to the official bloomberg campaign group. Otherwise, if they are not interested in this web address. I am open to other possiblities in working with , or possibly selling the domain to someone who is interested in owning and/or developing the site.
I am a life long new yorker, Columbia Law School graduate, and a former bankruptcy lawyer with Cadwalader Wickersham and Taft. I currently live in williamsburg, but I have lived in Canarsie, Staten Island, and at various locations over the west side of Manhattan. I have also lived in upstate New York in Binghamton , where I first attended College.
check sedo.com for auction listings of this website.
BLOOMBERG IS AN EXCELLENT MAYOR. New York City term limits prohibit him from running for a third or fourth term. As a result, we will be losing our greatest mayor in decades. New Yorkers should unite in a public referendum ballot initiative to repeal MAYORAL (and not city council member) term limits only for the next 2 terms so that Bloomberg can run for mayor 2 more times.
He is a very popular mayor and if he runs, he will likely get re-elected. The repeal will be only for the next two terms and subsequently will expire and term limits will go back into effect.
This petition is looking for support to bolster a hatchling campaign to gather signatures and petition the NYC clerk to put this issue on the ballot.
Your address is required because if this online petition is successful (30,000 signatures) we hope to mail you an official signature request form with a return address envelope postage paid which will be sent to the city clerk for verification.
This petition was posted in August 2007. It is hyperlinked to my domain BLOOMBERG2009.ORG
I am hoping to contribute the domain the bloomberg campaign or otherwise make use of it by working with parties interested in purchasing or developing it.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The RE-ELECT BLOOMBERG FOR FOR MAYOR OF NEW YORK BY REMOVING HIS TERM LIMITS petition to NYC VOTERS was written by zeev kirsh and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.