reconciliation request for Bishop Robert Guglielmone and Cardinal Sean O’Malley

- Target:
- Bishop Robert Gugliemone , Cardinal Sean O’Malley
- Region:
- United States of America
Friends of survivors abused by clergy request an Independent Needs Assessment for victims marginalized and abandoned by the Church agreement of 2007. The agreement specifies sex acts upon a child. It does not address the outcome of the abuse or abruptly exposing survivors to public scrutiny. Nor did it address the level of deceit perpetrated upon them.
The cost of medical care, family court and lost jobs are absent in the agreement, thus the spirit of reconciliation that was intended remains absent for many victims.
Some victims are living out of state and are unaware there is an opportunity to confront their abusers.
The design, formation and/or execution of the agreement left some participants living in abject poverty of mind, body and spirit.
The agreement that was created should be viewed as the beginning of the reconciliation process not the end of responsibility in Charleston S.C.
It is time for reflection on the outcome of its response or lack of response to victims.
We pray they be treated with dignity in an Independent Needs Assessment.
We the undersigned, call on Bishop Robert Gugliemone and Cardinal Sean O’Malley to allow an Independent Needs Assessment for the victims in South Carolina .
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The reconciliation request for Bishop Robert Guglielmone and Cardinal Sean O’Malley petition to Bishop Robert Gugliemone , Cardinal Sean O’Malley was written by Allen Sires and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.