#Roads & Transport
Eliminate excessive speeding traffic on Brookside Drive
United States of America

The excessive speeding traffic has simply gotten out of control on Brookside Drive. Almost every car speeds through our neighborhood at 35 to 50 miles per hour.

This is a street full of small children and people who love to walk their dogs and push their child filled strollers on this sidewalkless street. Even the Sheriffs department won't park their radar trailer on the street because they are concerned it will be hit.

You can imagine how unsafe we feel when we're strolling through our neighborhood.

We, the undersigned, call on our elected politicians to have Brookside Drive become a dead end street. There are only 2 county patrol officers in the entire county who are solely dedicated to traffic safety.

The people who mortgage their property in this neighborhood really feel helpless and frusturated by these excessive speeders. They just wiz through our nieghborhood like their hairs' on fire. There is still a safe exit and entrance to our community that is excessible to all emergency vehicles.

Please help us regain our sanity and Dead End our street. Let's try it out at least.

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The Reduce significantly excessive speeding traffic petition to Eliminate excessive speeding traffic on Brookside Drive was written by Louise and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.