United Kingdom

The Sky tariff is meant to reflect the Rateable Value of the premises. However there is a Rate Relief scheme in Wales which better reflects an area’s economic strength.

The Sky license should therefore reflect the actual rates paid as opposed to the Rateable Value.


Mae pris Sky ar gyfer llefydd trwyddedig wedi ei osod er mwyn adlewyrchu gwerth ardrethol yr adeilad. Serch hynny mae yna ryddhad ardrethol yng Nghymru sydd yn adlewyrchu gwir gryfder economaidd yr ardal.

Dylai'r trwydded ar gyfer Sky adlewyrchu yr ardreth sy'n cael ei dalu yng Nghymru nid y gwerth ardrethol.

We call on SKY to amend their pricing poicy to reflect Rates in Wales.

Pricing policy should reflect actual rates paid not rateable value.


Galwn ar i Sky newid ei polisi prisio yng Nghymru i adlewyrchu Ardrethi yng Nghymru.

Dylai'r polisi prisio adlewyrchu'r ardreth sy'n cael ei dalu nid y gwerth ardrethol.

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The Reduce SKY tariff petition to SKY was written by Mabon ap Gwynfor and is in the category Business at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

rates Pubs sky