- Target:
- West Virginia Board of education
- Region:
- United States of America
Teenage years are very difficult, school is a huge part of most teenagers' lives and is very stressful for them. The problems vary from their peers to grades and I feel both could be resolved by reducing school hours.
Most every student I've asks claims that they almost always have about 25-35 minutes of free time after each lesson. If every class period was half as long there would be just as much learned and more of an impact. Rather than have class assignments we could have homework more often. Drivers ed, makeup work, tutoring and other various school activities could be scheduled for after school.
With school not as long, students will not be as hesitant or nervous about attending school. Many students have problems with other kids or are harrassed by them so it makes more of an impact with school being such a big part of their lives. Students wouldnt have enough spare time to harm anyone if school was shorter but a student could have enough time to meet people. Most "bullies" only pick on others when they are bored or feel badly about themselves. I feel there would be less school violence, suicides, and less absences.
Teenage years are very difficult, school is a huge part of most teenagers' lives and is very stressful for them. The problems vary from their peers to grades and I feel both could be resolved by reducing school hours.
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The Reduction of High school hours petition to West Virginia Board of education was written by Lea Nicholson and is in the category Education at GoPetition.