- Target:
- Region:
- United States of America
Apparently I needed more details to get the message across. My sister and I lived full time w/our Dad in Crystal Beach.
1) Applied on-line 9/16/09, was only allowed to list my Dad as he was the home owner.
2) FEMA trailer in High Island, told to request to be listed as co-regfistrants in order to be eligible for other needs assistance, did so. FEMA never followed through although they did discuss my Dad's application w/me (shouldn't have been allowed).
3)FEMA office, granted rental assistance for a 3 BR house, 3 adults, 2 caring for a diabled elderly, makes sense.
4) Daddy passed away, found out FEMA never listed me as co-registrant and deadline had passed. My sister was able to register on the last day, assistance ceased, FEMA told us to contact an attorney, we were passed to HUD. 4 months later, after proving we are citizens, etc, still nothing. Endless declarations, phone calls ring 50-60 times, no answer. Other needs assistance, FEMA said administered by State, TX said administered by FEMA.
There's more, but hopefully this will motivate people to pass this along like they do angel chain letters.

We, the undersigned, call on President Obama to investigate and reform the incompetent, vague and discriminatory administration of the practices and procedures of FEMA.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Reform the practices and procedures of FEMA petition to FEMA was written by Anne O. Christian and is in the category Government at GoPetition.