- Target:
- TAMS and Prime Minister of Australia
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- wcg.awardspace.com
PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION TO HELP REINSTATE THE FULL TERM REHABILITATION OF OUR ACT SICK, INJURED, ORPHANED NATIVE EASTERN GREY KANGAROOS (EGK's), onto the ACT Rehabilitation Carers Licence. Please send the word around, post this petition onto your website, and send it to everyone else you know, and your mailing list.
Kangaroo meeting with Maxine Cooper, the now former Commissioner of Sustainability and Environment, in her office on Thursday 14/10/10, that included discussions on full term rehabilitation for sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, which Maxine's dept is investigating.
Nora Preston has requested that a new expert advisory committee be David Croft, Nora Preston, Dror Ben-Ami, Daniel Ramp, Keely Boom, to replace all the unqualified non expert advisory committees.
Media release on 23/4/07 www.kangaroo-protection-coalition.com/kangaroo-archives25.html.
These animals mentioned below are all dead, however, the fight still goes on, to turn the site into Wildlife Carers Group proposed city Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, now renamed as the City Memorial Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, in tribute to the kangaroos that were needlessly tortured to death, under the rspca's watchful eyes, who then inappropriately claimed that this massacre was humane.
PLEASE sign our other petition as well on http://gopetition.com/petitions/save-all-the-kangaroos.html to save ALL the Eastern Grey Kangaroos on the Lawson Defence site (BNTS) from relocation and death, and turn the site into a Kangaroo Park/Wildlife Sanctuary with educational facilities, wildlife hospital, rehabilitation enclosures, etc. Media releases on 13 May 2007, http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/news/local/general/plan-for-three-days-of-death/584324.html, 14 May 2007, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/05/14/world/main2799551.shtml?source=RSSattr=HOME_2799551, 20 May 2007, http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200705/s1927723.htm, http://www.spa.gov.sa/English/details.php?id=452929, http://news.monstersandcritics.com/asiapacific/news/printer_1309191.php, 25 May 2007, http://www.abcscience.net.au/news/stories/2008/03/07/2182771.htm, 7 March 2008.
These kangaroos have suffered enough and will not survive any relocation, which will cause acts of animal cruelty with this type of research, they must be left alone on the site where they have lived safely for their entire lives.
Nora Preston, The Founder/President of WCG - Wildlife Carers Group http://wcg.awardspace.com began rehabilitating wildlife in the early '80's.
ACT EGK's were rehabilitated in carers back yards, with their fences extended, to prevent them from escaping.
Our ACT (Australian Capital Territory) Eastern Grey Kangaroos were removed off our rehabilitation licence in mid 1980's, to prevent us from rehabilitating our sick, injured, orphaned NATIVE Eastern Grey Kangaroos, (EGK's) claiming, that our EGK's were not native to the ACT.
In 2005, Nora Preston, President and Founder of Wildlife Carers Group, (WCG) applied for and was issued with a licence by TAMS (Territory and Municipal Services), with a Rehabilitation Carers Licence, to rehabilitate sick, injured, orphaned native animals/wildlife.
Nora Preston contacted the now former Licensing Officer and the now former Local Chief Minister Jon Stanhope of the Labor Party, and pointed out to them that our Native EGK's were indeed native to the ACT, that the licence was incorrect and needed to be amended, and to include the full term rehabilitation of our Native EGK's.
Nora Preston - WCG, received A formal letter from both the former Chief Minister Jon Stanhope and the former Licensing Officer at that time, from TAMS, apologising for the error, and amended the licence, however, only amended rehabilitation for 48 hours, instead of the required full term rehabilitation, and then want the healthy animals destroyed.
There have since been 2 different Chief Ministers, and 2 different TAMS Ministers, all of whom Nora has continued to liaise with and has kept fighting to have this licence amended.
Failing to amend the Rehabilitation Licence to full term rehabilitation of our sick, injured, orphaned EGK's, allows acts of animal cruelty, inhumanely and unnecessarily killing/destroying EGK's that are healthy, that have every prospect of a successful rehabilitation.
This ACT licence is being governed under an old 1996 report.
Furthermore, Research has been cruel by TAMS, with Bromocriptine fertility research, which is an oral administration, suppressing the milk from the joey, slowly starving it to death, page 64/65 in Report 3, or cruelly ripping the joey from it's mothers pouch, causing bleeding of the mouth, with further hemorrhaging, injuries, and death. The 1996 ACT Kangaroo Advisory Council 3 Reports are on www.tams.act.gov.au/live/environment/local_wildlife/kangaroo_information/actkangarooadvisorycommitteereports
These are all acts of animal cruelty, therefore in breach of the animal welfare act, and will have to stop.
This report will show how out of date the current advisory council is, working off a report, reported in August 1996, however, Report 1, page 5/6, that was stating a report in late 1994, also recommended that the culling must stop, because they 'were over culling our native kangaroos', and yet, the wildlife rehabilitation licence was never updated to include full term rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos to allow the recovery of the EGK's population, which has continued to rapidly decline.
Report 2, page 5, first paragraph, then contradicts Report 1, claiming that 'this licence specifically excludes Eastern Grey Kangaroos because of their abundance in the ACT', which is describing the Rehabilitation licence.
The ACT is the only state in Australia that cruelly prevents the full term rehabilitation of our sick, injured, orphaned Native EGK's.
The advisory council is made up of the kangaroo commercial industry, farmers, rspca, (who categorise our native EGK's as feral on their website, and insist on cruel killing, then claim that the inhumane killings are humane) etc, all who have a serious conflict of interest with kangaroos, and want them to be driven to extinction, with the mentality that 'wildlife can't live amongst humans' which was quoted to Nora Preston by the head ranger of TAMS, and the local government who was in charge of the environment file at the time, with absolutely no regard to the destruction they were causing to our environment, conservation of, or the animal rights and welfare.
It is time to put the environment, conservation of, and wildlife first, to be educated, come back into this century, civilisation, and start acting like civilised, educated people.
For animal welfare reasons, the Rehabilitation licence must be amended and to reinstate the full term rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned Native EGK's.
To prevent road kills, the shooroo needs to be modified, so that it can be activated in the vehicles, when travelling at any speed.
Saving and Caring for our Environment, Conservation, and all of our Native Wildlife.
We, the undersigned, call on the Prime Minister of Australia, Minister of TAMS, chief minister of the ACT, and TAMS (territory and municipal services), to reinstate our ACT sick, injured, orphaned Native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, for full term rehabilitation, onto the Rehabilitation Licence, to prevent any further acts of animal cruelty.
To suspend the advisory council who suffer from a serious conflict of interest, and to seek advice from independent experienced people, including Nora Preston, who are NOT paid by the government, or receiving government funding.
TAMS are working off an old 1996 report, that is obsolete.
Eastern Grey Kangaroos (EGK'S) are native to the ACT, with the numbers dropping dramatically, due to mismanagement and over killing.
Educating the public to live with our Native EGK's and the rest of our native wildlife.
To modify the shooroo so that it can be activated, at any speed in travelling vehicles, to avoid road kills.
Saving and Caring for our Environment, Conservation, and all of our Native wildlife.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Reinstate Our ACT Kangaroos onto The Rehabilitation Licence petition to TAMS and Prime Minister of Australia was written by Lady Nora Preston and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.