- Target:
- Angelus Block, Gardena, California Location
- Region:
- United States of America
We have been trying to get a company, Angelus Block, the GARDENA PLANT, 252 E. Redondo Beach. Blvd.
Gardena, CA 90248, (310) 323-8841, FAX (310) 327-2291, to stop making noise 24 hours a day. They have refused to honor our request claiming they have permits that allow them to do as they please.
Our research shows that they are in violation, complaints have been made and we have yet to get a sustained resolution to the problem. Zoning Enforcement, Section I, County of Los Angeles Dept. of Regional Planning, 320 W. Temple St.,Los Angeles, CA 90012 has rendered the following,
"The Conditonal Use Permint (CUP) for the property 252 E. Redondo Beach Blvd. is current. Unfortunately, in reviewing the conditions placed on the business by the CUP, none of the conditions address your concerns. There are no conditions that limit the hours of operation.
Nonetheless, while the CUP gives Angelus Block the right to operate, it by no means gives them the right to operate through the night. If the current operation is in violation of other sections of the County Code, they should be enforced. If the property owner has stated that he has a permit that allows him to operate at night, then that is incorrect and because hours of operation is not part of the conditions placed on the property, it does not give them the right to operate at any hour if it violates the County Code, such as Title 13. Therefore steps can be taken to make Angelus Block comply with the other sections of the County Code."
The materials used to manufacture bricks, concrete, ete contains hazardous material which infiltrate the lungs and Angelus Block does not make any attempts to contain those materials.
We, the residents of Gardena, California, also known as, East Gardena Neighborhood, call on the County of Los Angeles, to demand that Angelus Block cease and desist in their operations until all health hazards have been removed.
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The Remove health hazards from East Gardena Neighborhood petition to Angelus Block, Gardena, California Location was written by EastGardena and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.