#Roads & Transport
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, British Columbia

HOV lanes in the Greater Vancouver Area don't work! Over the past 3 decades I have seen road rage levels exponentially increase while common courtesy substantially decrease.

I understand the basic theory and the intentions of these lanes are good, but given our limited public transportation infrastructure and the need to reside outside of Vancouver in order to seek out affordable housing, I find HOV lanes don't work for BC taxpayers. How is the following concept logical? Let's shut down a perfectly good lane during the busiest times of commute to and fro the city.

The goal here is to re-establish a nice traffic flow in our wonderful province. In the GVA, you will always have a numerous amount of single occupant vehicles (SOV). We already pay massive gas and carbon taxes. Please don't punish the SOV drivers any further (and this is coming from one who carpools). At the very least, please abolish HOV lanes from road systems with only two lanes!! i.e - Barnet Highway.

Conclusion: The flow of traffic would be so much smoother, thereby reducing road rage, freeing up Police resources and bringing back some driving civility to our GVA.

We, the undersigned, would like to bring traffic calm back into the Greater Vancouver Area by requesting to abolish HOV lanes.

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The Remove HOV lanes in GVA petition to Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, British Columbia was written by David Mah and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.

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