#Students' Rights
BSG College of the North Atlantic Residence Manager.

College residence is supposed to be a place for students to relax, to do homework, to socialize and to just have fun. College students are for the most part responsible adults and deserve the right to drink in their home.

The Bay St George College of the North Atlantic campus does not believe this is true. They have put in place an alcohol ban. Many students feel this is unfair, and unnecessary. There are many other ways to deal with alcohol abuse than to ban it completely from all students forever.

We as students feel this ban is unfair, and making our college experience a little less enjoyable due to the fact we can't have our friends over to hang out and relax and have some drinks.

Not everyone in the building abuses alcohol, and it is unfair that you ban everyone from their legal rights as 19+ year olds. And banning alcohol completely from res causes students to find other places to go and drink which in itself is unsafe.

We, the undersigned, call on the BSG College of the North Atlantic Residence Manager to remove the ban of alcohol from residence.

We understand it is for our saftey but also feel we as adults deserve the right to be given a chance to prove our selves responsible.

If the visitor rule was taken more serious, along with the 3 strike rule and anyone under 19 years being banned from alcohol that it would be a more enjoyable and safer environment for us as tenants.

We see this as a formal agreement to be responsible as long as the above mentioned requests are met. This is in no way a threat all we want is a chance.

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The Remove the Alcohol Ban from Residence petition to BSG College of the North Atlantic Residence Manager. was written by Alex Jane Hopper and is in the category Students' Rights at GoPetition.