- Target:
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
- Region:
- Website:
- LeeBaker.4Mormon.org
The Book of Mormon clearly teaches that God cursed good "White" people with "A Skin of Blackness", because of their iniquity and sin. Over 20 such racist statements are found within the current Book of Mormon, now held as the sacred word of God by the Mormon Church. See: Book of Mormon, page 66, 2 Nephi 5:21
The removal of ALL Racist Teaching within the current Book of Mormon, will signify that such Doctrine was and is from its own Church Leadership and NOT from God Himself, as a curse on the Black Race.
This action will promote much more racial equality and religious tolerance around the World.
I formally request that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the "Mormons", remove any and ALL Racist Teachings from within the current Book of Mormon, specifically, ALL references to any "curse" of skin color, either from "White" to "Black" as a punishment, or from "Black" to "White" as a reward. Additionally, I formally request that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, remove any and ALL Racist Teachings from the current Book of Mormon that teach, suggest or imply that a skin of "Whiteness" is superior to a skin of "Blackness".
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The Remove the Racist Statements from the Book of Mormon petition to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) was written by Lee B. Baker and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.