- Target:
- Politicians and the News Media
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.unpoliticalparty.com
ObamaCare caused health insurance to skyrocket from around $13,000 to now over $15,500 for family insurance with never-ending annual increases. Our take home pay is reduced by this amount and all of this money goes directly to Big Money Political Donor Insurance Companies.
Plus we pay out-of-pocket co-pays up to average deductible amounts of $1,000-$2,000. Sign the petition now to replace this broken system with our new "Citizen-Centered Platform of Solutions" that gives every citizen the "American Freedom Benefit Package."
If you help us and we win, just one of your many new benefits will be the American Healthcare Freedom Plan where we simply take up to $6,000 per individual and $12,000 per family away from the insurance companies and place it directly in your 100% Government Exempt Trust Fund that is never taxed and is fully inheritable. Then you can have a secure fund to cover all routine and preventative care expenses, and if you ever you reach your annual deductible your plan automatically converts to 100% insurance coverage.
All unused funds roll over to future years so you can build a huge TAX FREE Health Assurance Account (HAA) Trust Fund. One of the many magnificent benefits of this plan is that all accumulated funds above your annual deductible can be used for your personal needs.
Now instead of being forced to invest in risky and corrupt markets where average investors lose 30%-70% of our wealth every 8-13 years or save with banks that lend our own money to us a 4%-20% or more while giving us less than 1% on our savings we will now be able to invest in ourselves and our families. Now, we will be able to skip the banking middlemen and finance our own purchases from orthodontics and elective medical procedures to automobiles and home improvements to education costs to virtually all of our major life needs.
With your new benefit package you will be able to finance your own purchases from your pent up retirement and healthcare funds and repay yourself with interest. In the end you will own the things you need in life and when you repay your loans to yourself you will have tremendous wealth.
Our politicians voted to implement ObamaCare against the will of the people and before they even read the bill. Now we know that ObamaCare was 2,900 pages of political payoffs to Big Money donors that exacerbates all of the problems of our current system to make them worse. The AHFP solves all of the root problems in our current system to slash healthcare costs in every area. You will love our Total Citizen-Centered Platform that solves all of the major issues our country faces because we drastically decrease the costs of living while dramatically increasing the standard of living for every American Citizen. We also save taxpayers $2 Trillion annually with our total platform of solutions that ends deficit spending, pays off our national debt and brings solvency back to our local, state and federal budgets.
Sign our petition now so we can get to work for you, and then tell everyone you know to do the same. Go here for the complete details: http://goo.gl/4o9oZ
Sign this petition to replace ObamaCare with the American Healthcare Freedom Plan so we can return up to $6,000 to every individual and up to $12,000 per family that currently goes directly to Big Money Political Donor Insurance Companies. The AHFP solves the real problems in our current healthcare system where ObamaCare exacerbates each until the system fails. We simply remove all Big Money political payoffs resulting in maximum consumer cost savings and superior medical care.
Please sign the petition now so we can get to work for you. Then call your family and friends and ensure they do the same. Together we will smartly disburse the wealth of America amongst the citizenry instead of only those in the Political Class. See the complete details of the AHFP here:
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The Replace ObamaCare with the American Healthcare Freedom Plan petition to Politicians and the News Media was written by Un-Political Party and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.