Review administration of donation of Mr. Petros I. Tsiros to the Church of Cyprus

- Target:
- Open to the World in the interest of Justice
- Region:
- Cyprus
- Website:
In 1984 Petros I. Tsiros passed away after making the biggest ever donation to the Church of Cyprus, a property donation believed to be worth by today’s value, of well over One Billion Euros (600 Million Cypriot Pounds), with the express written condition that the Church of Cyprus should use the profits from the sale and development of that land, for public charitable causes and every time such funds were used to announce that they originated from Petros I. Tsiros donation fund.
After thirty five or so years and hundreds of millions of proceeds from that donation, the people of Cyprus are still anxiously waiting for the first of such announcements and the handling of the donation has remained an enigma to many.
For more info please view the blog
The "Tsiros" case is just one single case, by far the biggest single case alone, however the same thing has happened and is still happening to many other people. By informing people and creating awareness of what happened in the past, collectively we can make a big difference for our future and a better life for our children and our grandchildren.
I don’t think this is what Jesus Christ had in mind when he asked his disciples to help him spread the word of God. I don’t think Jesus wanted the very own people that supposedly represent him, his Father and our faith in general to become the most financially powerful organization in the expense of their flock. How can one justify luxury mansions for the high priests, churches full of gold and very expensive marble floors, luxury cars for the high priests to be driven in and luxury jets to fly them from one place to another, not forgetting the expensive statues that they display in every other street? What about the businesses they own and the money that goes around, the foreign investments and foreign bank accounts? And all this is happening on the expense of the faithful, on the expense of their flock, the very own people that they are suppose to help and support.
The church is not supposed to be a business of any kind, let alone the most powerful organization of its kind. Is this not hypocrisy? Is this not double standards? Is this not what our faith is teaching us not to do? Is this justice? Is this fair? Is this right? Is this moral?
Up to now no one has really questioned the church on where their donations have gone. How did the church utilize their money? I strongly believe it is time to put things in perspective and start getting some answers. The church needs to clearly show, clarify and confirm how they manage donations, how they utilize their budgets and who benefits from what. They need to justify why they need the expensive luxurious mansions, cars, jets and why the churches need to be filled with gold and expensive marble floors. Clearly the church can make use of “their money” (as it is clearly not their money but the money of their flock given to them in good faith to be used for purposes that would benefit the needy) in a more sensible manner! Is this just my own personal reasoning? Hopefully not!
Thanking you all in advance for your time, help and consideration.
Kind regards,
Petros N. Tsiros
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The Review administration of donation of Mr. Petros I. Tsiros to the Church of Cyprus petition to Open to the World in the interest of Justice was written by Petros and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.