- Target:
- Pulaski County Board of Education
- Region:
- United States of America
Recently my 8 year old daughter who was supposed to stay in an afterschool childcare program, was accidentally put on the school bus to ride home. Upon arriving home to an empty house, her bus driver let her off of the bus and left her untill 5:30 in the afternoon. The transportation department claims that they are only responcible for preschoolers and kindtergardeners. I as a parent am outraged at the fact that is is ok for our school system who are responcible for our children, to just be allowed to drop elementary aged school children off regaurdless of age or supervision.
Bus Drivers' Responsibilities
All bus drivers shall meet the qualifications of and be in compliance with the responsibilities noted in Kentucky Administrative Regulations.
Walkthrough at End of Run
Bus drivers shall conduct a walkthrough of their buses at the end of each run to ensure that all students have disembarked at their designated stops.
Disciplinary Action
Bus drivers who fail to observe/perform their responsibilities shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
1 702 KAR 005:080; 702 KAR 005:150
KRS 189.370
KRS 189.375
KRS 189.380
KRS 189.450
KRS 189.540
KRS 189.550
KRS 281A.175
KRS 281A.205
Adopted/Amended: 08/15/2000
Regular Bus Stops
Discharge of Pupils
The bus driver shall discharge pupils at their regularly scheduled stops only, except with written authorization from the Principal to discharge a pupil at another location.1 Preschool students shall be transported in accordance with applicable regulations.2
The Principal shall have a written authorization from a child's parents before permitting discharge at a location other than the regular stop.
The driver may discharge a pupil for disciplinary reasons in accordance with Policy 06.34 of this manual and with 702 KAR 005:080.1
1 702 KAR 005:080
2 702 KAR 005:150
KRS 158.110
KRS 189.370
KRS 189.375
KRS 189.540
Adopted/Amended: 09/12/1991
Order #: X
We the concerned parents, voters, taxpayers, and citizens in the Pulaski County School District respectfully request the Pulaski County School Board to reconsider and revise the fact that bus drivers can legally drop off any elementary school aged child not in preschool or kindergarten, and leave them even if unattended.
We as concerned parents want the policy to be changed to state that NO Elementary school aged child should be left unattended, or be let off of the bus without a parent/guardian or said adult supervision being present.
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The Review Student Safety Policies petition to Pulaski County Board of Education was written by Christie Hughes and is in the category Education at GoPetition.