- Target:
- ACT Government and Prime Minister of Australia
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- wcg.awardspace.com
In May 2019 a ranger was invited to give a talk who admitted that the Kangaroos are critically endangered, repeating what we’ve been warning of for years.
This Government has known for quite a number of years that the Kangaroos were critically endangered who unlawfully increased the numbers killed annually, unlawfully changed the status to a controlled native species killing them daily without a license, instead of immediately declaring them and listing them as critically endangered saving them, protecting them, feeding them if necessary, pulling down the fences around them developing wildlife corridors, shutting down roads, stopping all developments, declaring the ACT a Kangaroos and Wildlife Sanctuary, developing our Memorial Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary.
This Government and Departments have been having discussions with developers.
All killings, deliberately and maliciously driving Kangaroos to extinction have all been for developments to destroy the Bush Capital, wildlife Fauna and Flora, the environment that the majority don’t want.
Please check out facebook for horrific photos of roo cruelty, this is the reality, and please follow us, and join us on twitter http://twitter.com/wildlifecarersg, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nora.preston.16
UPDATE: Our native roos were again being slaughtered in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 already driving Eastern Grey Kangaroos to extinction in most parts of the ACT that Urgently need to be declared critically endangered who still continue to abuse rate/taxpayers money to violently kill kangaroos without a licence changing the status of our Kangaros to a controlled native species based on their lies after the majority of the submissions opposed the status change refusing to publish all of the submissions. VOTE OUT THE ACT GOVT, THEIR VIOLENCE AND LIES IN THE NEXT ELECTIONS. Click on or copy and paste links for updates:
Urgently Declare Eastern Grey Kangaroos including all other macropods as sacred and critically endangered. Please urgently intervene with all States and order to Stop all Kangaroo killings and the infertility program that has unlawfully genetically altered them driving them to extinction. All killings and infertility programs are violent. Please urgently adopt our Animal Welfare Act and Bill as your Federal policy and introduce them as law. Links: https://wildlifecarersgroup.wordpress.com/2019/01/13/wildlife-carers-group-submission-animal-welfare-legislation-amendment-bill-2019-closes-7-2-19/
https://wildlifecarersgroup.wordpress.com/2017/05/15/submission-amended-draft-animal-welfare-and-management-strategy-2017-2022-closes-wednesday-24-may-2017/. Please declare that the entire animal kingdom including kangaroos, all macropods, all bird & aquatic life have the same rights as humans. Please urgently order a Federal audit and Royal Commission on all Kangaroo killings & the infertility program from 1997-2019, commencing with the ACT.
All of The killings have been based on Scientific Fraud in the ACT that is for development. The ACT has been maliciously deprived of a multi billion dollar tourist attraction since 2008 failing to spend all the money on our Educational Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary instead. Map attached. Please declare the ACT a Kangaroo and Wildlife Sanctuary. Eastern Grey Kangaroos have already been unlawfully driven to extinction in certain areas of the ACT unlawfully genetically altered through mass killings and the infertility program. ACT have been killing the kangaroos every day without a licence, unlawfully changing their status to controlled native species and handing them over to the Planning Minister Mick Gentleman after the majority of the submissions failed to authorise the changes stating we don’t agree to the changes. We have over 12,000 signatures to stop the killings and the infertility program.
Please read this article on how the RSPCA refuse to charge the police for hitting a roo, shooting it 4 times, still alive then leaving it to suffer from gun shot wounds and horrific injuries from being hit by their police van. The RSPCA claim that they didn’t breach the Animal Welfare Act. Look harder. The Police should have taken the Kangaroo to a Vet for treatment. Please train and supply Police with tranquilliser guns for injured wildlife. Please urgently Remove the RSPCA from all animal related panels, boards etc and stop their government funding. The Police Minister is also Mick Gentleman as both the Government and the RSPCA promote and encourage violence. This was neither a killing or shootings for compassionate reasons. Link:
https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/6130400/kangaroo-shot-four-times-for-compassionate-reasons-after-accident-with-police-van/. Links: https://www.themercury.com.au/entertainment/tasweekend-kangaroo-filmmakers-focus-lens-on-the-biggest-wildlife-slaughter-in-the-world/news-story/46755bf490b879447d5c5aaaf1eaffaf
https://districtbulletin.com.au/act-will-kill-4000-kangaroos-as-un-report-warns-of-global-extinction-crisis/. We would be happy for you to shut down the ACT self Government since the majority voted it out. Please establish a medianimalcare bulk billing free veterinary consultations, treatments, surgeries for all Kangaroos, wildlife and other animals for Pensioners and low waged income earners equivalent to humans Medicare. 3 petitions over 12,000 signatures.
‘....anyone who intentionally tortures a dog or cat is a threat to public safety, and should be dealt with severely," DeSteph said in a statement....DeSteph told ABC News he plans to send the legislation to other state lawmakers and work with national animal welfare groups to get the law introduced across the country.
There have been studies that show a connection between animal cruelty and many other crimes, from drug and firearm offenses to battery and sexual assault, according to the Humane Society....’
The same above studies also applies to all Kangaroos and all other animals, to the entire animal kingdom, not just cats and dogs.
The Government’s proposed Animal Welfare Bill should be citing the same as above to immediately stop the Kangaroo killings to arrest and lock up the Government officials responsible for the Kangaroo killings and infertility program since 2004-2019. The Animal Welfare Bill cannot be in compliance with the Government, the Government has to be in compliance with the Animal Welfare Bill that must immediately stop the Kangaroo killings, infertility program including all other animals.
Links: https://www.themercury.com.au/entertainment/tasweekend-kangaroo-filmmakers-focus-lens-on-the-biggest-wildlife-slaughter-in-the-world/news-story/46755bf490b879447d5c5aaaf1eaffaf
Wildlife Rehabilitation Licence conditions for Wildlife Carers Group in my name:
Wildlife Rehabilitation Licence K8464 backdated to 2008/2009 with special conditions, Since we are Independent that means the Government is not allowed to interfere with us or me, we do have our own licence that covers the terms and conditions below, however the Government still has to be held accountable.
1.Full term rehabilitation for ALL sick, injured, orphaned native wildlife
2.No records for TAMS/TCCS (have changed their name (or relevant Dept)) – Privacy Act
3.No Carers list for TAMS/TCCS (have changed their name (or relevant Dep)) -Privacy Act
4.No Vets list for TAMS/TCCS (have changed their name (or relevant Dept)) – Privacy Act
5.I do all the inspections
6.Open licence, does not expire or get cancelled unless I cancel it or leave Wildlife Carers Group, as per TAMS/TCCS (have changed their name (or relevant Dept)) original special conditions
7.No interference or any dealings with other relevant Departments, TAMS/TCCS at all.
8.Rescue of all native wildlife
9.Export Licence
10.I’m appointed as advisor in all wildlife and animal welfare related matters to replace the RSPCA and Marg Peachey if she has been appointed onto any of these positions.
11.Wildlife Carers Group takes over all Wildlife Rehabilitation and Native Wildlife killing etc applications
12.RSPCA unqualified waged staff including CEO and volunteers terminated from their jobs who have and are responsible for animal exploitation, performing animal circus acts, unlawfully using seizure powers to steal pets and other animals to either unnecessarily kill or profit from them, inappropriate bullying of animal Carers and pet owners.
13.TAMS/TCCS including other relevant Departments prevented from working with animals
14.Remove all Conservator/TAMS/TCCS and other relevant Departments conditions.
15. Remove all ag gag type/related sections from the Nature Conservation Act and other related Management Plans and Strategies etc.
Public apology over the defamatory letters sent to all my carers, vets in 2008 and to anyone else these and other defamatory letters were sent out to referring to me and Wildlife Carers Group. One defamatory lie was that I did not comply with section 28, the other lie was that I hadn’t yet responded to their renewal licence which they had NOT sent out to me. I had to chase after them to get the renewal licence sent out to me;
Public apology over defamation against me, leading to and on 10/8/12, and thereafter for the unlawful trespassing and theft of wildlife and my wildlife food etc stolen.
Public apology on 11/8/12 defamatory article in the Canberra Times, etc.
I was repeatedly reminded by the ACT Government that we are an independent group.
Independent – adj. 1. Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing. 2. Free from the control of another or others; self-reliant.
To see the full report please click or copy and paste on this link into your browser: http://wildlifecarersgroup.wordpress.com/2012/06/07/protected-native-violent-kangaroo-killing-in-the-act-7-june-2012/ and the Canberra Times Poll that shows only a small minority support the government killing: http://wildlifecarersgroup.wordpress.com/2012/09/01/canberra-times-final-kangaroo-killing-poll-results-closed-25512/
I’m leaving the past history of the killings below in this petition,
The ACT government only give notice late in the day, either the day before or on the same day of the killings etc when it is to commence, to disallow any defence to be prepared to stop the kill of innocent native animals.
ANIMAL WELFARE - Please copy and paste links below, to kangaroo cruelty into your browser, to view the horror. Kangaroos are killed in an extremely inhumane manner. Legally kangaroos killed are required to be killed by a single shot to the brain. there are instances where kangaroos are not killed in this manner. As a result, the kangaroo is shot agonisingly in the jaw, neck or the body, flees in response and will suffer a prolonged and painful death.
These joeys are killed often by shooters smashing them into the ground, against tow bars of cars or with a metal pipe or other blunt instrument. Alternatively, when not caught, an out of pouch joey will be left to fend for itself and will generally die of predation, starvation or dehydration.This is not to mention the stress suffered by kangaroos from hearing shots being fired and from being chased down by shooters.
Please check out This link 'KANGAROO CHILLER BOX INVESTIGATION' from animal liberation which wildlife warriors also have the same link to on youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18MoxO9yJa8&feature=related that contains the cruel bashing to death of roos shot but not directly killed, hung up while still alive, and left suffering, trembling as they hang, tortured to death, and joeys bashed to death, possibly attempting to decapitate the joeys head on the back of the truck with several blows.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbn3c8EcNRk&feature=related, so called controlled government butchering, you will note that the kangaroos are still alive when hung up, suffering, AND BEING TORTURED TO DEATH, the male is laughing at the cruelty he has just inflicted on this kangaroo, a joey stomped to death, even the child stomps on it as he walks past following his father, orphaned joeys hopping around, left to starve to death, a joey bashed till its eyes popped out, but is still alive, suffering, a prolonged death, and the male admitting that these are protected species. Native protected animals called pests, the very same native animals that maintain a healthy well balanced eco system. The code of practice that the shooter refers to is inhumane, and unacceptable, as witnessed in this video footage. Kangaroos are not fit for human or dog consumption, heavily contaminated with various diseases/harmful bacterias, e.coli, salmonella, etc. Keep watching till it stops, keep an eye on the timer, next to the speaker symbol, length 10:59.
Kangaroos don't need to be killed with this spray, that deters them:
If Kangaroos are a problem for your crops,
we have a environmentally friendly soil spray
that harmonises the environment, so Roos
no longer wish to be there.
There is no smell, no poisonous substances and
no harm done to any plant or animal.
"It all in the vibe".
This product can be applied with any other spray round.
Contact us on 04091166269 (ref: online Canberra Times ad choices)
This product cannot be over used, since vegetation/native flora is there for our native wildlife to consume. If over used the kangaroos will starve to death.
No evidence to support that any of the killings were necessary.
No documented evidence to support any of the killings.
No figures of population of roos.
No evidence of documented damage.
In this article, Nora Preston interviewed on 15/4/10, www.nowuc.com.au/2010/05/27/kangaroo-plan.../comment-page-1/ (that has now been removed from their website) don fletcher from tams says that kangaroos are not the main problem and in fact'native grasses' are not threatened with extinction, but other animals and plants are, and that "the biggest 'contributor' to the loss of the natural treeless grasslands of our region has been agriculture (by far)".
This statement is admitting to the flawed, dishonest kangaroo management plan, and Russell Watkinson's media release, on Friday 18/6/10, that blames the kangaroos for driving legless lizards, earless dragons, etc, and the deteriorating grasslands and woodlands to extinction, by eating all the grasses, when Fletcher admits that the native grasses are not threatened by the kangaroos, but by human activity, including toxic sprays.
Please check out this link that was in the Canberra times on 17/10/09, that completely refutes the allegations against the roos destroying grasslands, that was sent to maxine cooper, that were also ignored.
The report is by Julie Lindner, who has also been studying the grasslands and the roos for the past 20 years, which backs up what I've been saying all along.
The kangaroo management plan is conjunctional, and not based on any scientific facts.
The only objects that are causing the destruction of grasslands, woodlands, threatened species and ecosystems are tams/tccs/Minister of Environment and Developments staff and their shooters, and the government that fails to listen to the experts to end this inhumane, unnecessary practise.
Claiming to murder 3,427 kangaroos, in 2018 on the same sites as 2017 the tams/tccs/Minister of Environment and Planning Departments are yet to prove that this population exists, since they do not count them.
The violent unnecessary kangaroo killings cannot take place. The former Commissioner Maxine Cooper of Commissioner of Sustainability and Environment, who was formerly the Conservator of Flora and Fauna, investigations with Wildlife Carers Group and 3 ecologists who are experts with kangaroos and the environment had a meeting. The inhumane killings continued through to 2014.
It is extremely important that you order the killings to stop immediately, The kangaroo management plan immediately amended, removing all the false allegations against kangaroos causing damage to the environment, for which there is absolutely no scientific evidence or fact for.
Wildlife Carers Group meeting with the former Commissioner Maxine Cooper of Commissioner of Sustainability and Environment that Nora Preston attended with Dror Ben-Ami, Daniel Ramp, and David Croft, ecologists and experts in kangaroos and the environment, David Croft repeated Nora's constant warnings to stop killing the kangaroos in the ACT, to leave them alone, before they are driven to extinction.
Maxine Cooper is now the Auditor-General.
Wildlife Carers Group have personally been warning the ACT Government, and their lack of care/rehabilitation of the Eastern Greys, over culling, driving them to extinction, that would lead to legal action, under the animal welfare act, since 2005.
There are no grounds for any cull to go ahead, other than a destructive department's staff, who have no knowledge or expertise in kangaroos, or the environment.
This department have not, and never do, count the kangaroos, Wildlife Carers Group do.
Wildlife Carers Group have therefore repeatedly requested that all applications to kill wildlife be handed over to Wildlife Carers Group, to be investigated, before any cull licences/permits are issued, and further that a $2000 fee be charged for applying to kill a native animal. It is illegal to harass, bait, trap and kill protected native wildlife. All wildlife are protected.
We look forward to you ordering the required changes, stopping this unnecessary cull, and handing over the native wildlife killing applications to Wildlife Carers Group to investigate.
The tams/tccs/Minister of Planning and Environment departments, hand out permits to cull to private land owners as well as culling our native kangaroos themselves, and have thoroughly depleted our population. The department has to be stopped from handing out any further permits to cull to private land owners as well. The killings must stop.
You need to be made aware, that our native kangaroos maintain a healthy well balanced Eco system with the loss of any single species causing serious ramifications throughout the Eco system.
Without the kangaroos gentle grazing, the areas turn into a dust bowl, vegetation dies, this is scientifically proven.
Kangaroos are soft footed, and cause no damage to the environment, and do not cause any loss to any other species, the loss to any species is caused by TAMS/TCCS/Environment and Planning and their advisers who should have been sacked in 2005.
They provide natural fertilisation to the vegetation.
Rate/Taxpayers are not prepared to pay for the killing of protected native Kangaroos, or continue to pay wages for the unqualified advisory committees who have a conflict of interest to sit in these panels/boards etc since they are responsible for the unlawful violent killings.
The money is there to save our native wildlife and their habitat, without committing death or acts of animal cruelty.
the chronicle, page 7, 7/6/11, article 'cull aims to control roos', by Meredith Clisby.
Firstly the strict code of practise was not endorsed by authorities that have expertise and knowledge, and who care. The code of practice is inhumane, and not acceptable, as seen in http://wcg.awardspace.com.
The 7/6/11 Chronicle article is a very biased article, only giving one side, failing to point out the legalities, and the facts.
The article further writes what Sarah Hnatiuk said who is coordinator of Friends of Mount Painter Park Care Group.
This person is not qualified to make statements on who caused bald patches, on Mount Painter, and we can state that the kangaroos did not cause them.
When we staked out Mt Painter, we saw horses in there, TAMS/TCCS in their 4wd's driving around like hoons, shooters disturbing the area, also allowed to drive around, that also trail bikes enter and ride around in.
This was confirmed again on 9/6/11 when tams/TCCS and the shooters were seen driving through the gates of Mt Painter, and upto the top of the hill.
We are seeing the problems with our native kangaroos are caused by the government listening to people who for some reason hate kangaroos, who deliberately maliciously commit the crimes of Scientific Fraud, instead of working with the experts. Native roos maintain a healthy well balanced eco system, with the loss of any single species causing serious ramifications throughout our ecosystem.
This is how your rate/taxpayers money is being wasted.
There are more links on youtube to show the facts on the extreme cruelty committed to our native protected macropods.
Meeting on Kangaroos, held on Thursday 14/10/10 with the former Commissioner Maxine Cooper, Commissioner of Sustainability and Environment, (in Maxine's office) Nora Preston, 3 interstate ecologists, and their own legal advisor. Wildlife Carers Group's Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary cost is being investigated, along with Wildlife Rehabilitation Licence that excludes full term rehabilitation for sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos. Nora Preston had David Croft from Darwin, included in this meeting through a telephone conference, while the rest of us were personally in attendance. David Croft also advised to stop killing the kangaroos, and to stop the land development in the ACT.
We were asked to comment on the current fictional, conjunctional Kangaroo Management Plan, using references.
Nora has recommended a new expert advisory committee, David Croft, Nora Preston, Dror Ben-Ami, Daniel Ramp, Keely Boom, to replace all the current unqualified non'expert' advisory committees.
All the senseless killings in the past 3 years were raised, tamsTCCS research, and animal welfare.
Kangaroo Management Plan FLAWED.
More recently, a media interview 15/4/10, that shows that the government kangaroo management plan is seriously flawed, with the government ignoring expert advice.
Clearly only the unqualified believe that the kangaroo management plan is well thought out, and that the culling needs to continue.
The problems with continued false reports/statements sent to the media, and injected into the kangaroo management plan, need to be rectified, and amended, that is flawed, dishonest, negligent and immoral.
The government needs to make necessary changes and start taking advice only from those with expertise and knowledge in these areas.
Continuing to allow unqualified advisers to make important decisions about our kangaroos, wildlife, wildlife rehabilitation licences, is a serious breach of animal welfare, is causing more harm than good, and contributing to climate change.
There is plenty of native grasses for these reptiles to survive in.
After doing the UC interview, I was invited to attend the grasslands workshop on 20 May 2010, held at CSIRO in Gungahlin, where Fletcher was also present, and was one of the speakers.
He once again got up, showed google photos of deteriorated grasslands, and once again, falsely accused the kangaroos of causing this destruction, attempting to outrage the audience, and cause unwarranted ill feelings towards the innocent macropods.
I corrected this deliberate erroneous attack on the kangaroos and false statement.
This bounty on kangaroos, false media releases, false statements at workshops, meetings, seminars etc, need to stop against the kangaroos, and so does the inhumane killing.
Wildlife Carers Group has been fighting to have the licence amended since 2005.
Mother nature is not forgiving in the destruction of the land, stripping her of all of her natural nutrients, that includes kangaroos, other wildlife and wildlife habitat.
The fact is that the Australian government is driving our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos to extinction, with deliberate false media releases, false kangaroo management plans, and false reports.
You should also know that wildlife is not fit for pet or human consumption, spreading diseases, bacterial, etc, and that government approved shooters are not concerned about the animals welfare, hygiene, and whether or not the meat is suitable for pet or human consumption, and the fact that they are driving our native wildlife to extinction, they are only in it for greed, for the money.
We urge you to cancel all wildlife products from Australia, and boycott this country's products. Please urge this country to cease killing/harvesting our wildlife, to prevent them from driving our valuable native wildlife to extinction that maintain a healthy well balanced eco system.
No matter what this government writes on paper, which is flawed, they will attempt to convince you, that the shooters/harvesters are humane, because of the kangaroo management plan, and are government authorised, no one polices (supervises) the shooters, and they continue to commit acts of animal cruelty, as you can witness on the youtube links.
In early May 2009, majura defence firing site unnecessarily commenced torturing our native kangaroos to death, once again using inexperienced security guards, using the roos for target practice, with acts of animal cruelty being reported to Wildlife Carers Group.
Since Wildlife Carers Group had not counted the kangaroos, the population is unknown, therefore the population of over 3,000 they claim that they have killed in such a short time is unbelievable.
NSW Animal Liberation (AL) served defence with a court injunction, and stopped the kill. June 2, 3 ,4, 5 was spent in court that Wildlife Carers Group/I personally attended for 4 full days. The Conservator of Flora and Fauna/ACT Government responded to the court injunction. Defence withdrew on the first day of the hearing, successfully spending the day arguing why they should be allowed to withdraw, and yet still be allowed to argue for conservator of flora and fauna in their defence.
Unfortunately NSW AL lost the court case. The tribunal erred when they failed to record and note the evidence heard in court by tams, that the damage caused within the fenced area was due to defence and occasionally tams staff, entering the area to unnecessarily herd the roos out 2 or 3 times a week, which deteriorated and caused the unsightly damage to the area.
We are still fighting to stop development on the bnts site, and to turn this site into the Wildlife Carers Group proposed Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary in tribute to the kangaroos who were inhumanely tortured to death on this site.
After the defence/majura site 2009 unnecessary cruel slaughter of the roos, The ACT government then went ahead and tortured the kangaroos to death all around the entire ACT reserves.
NSW AL again hit the ACT Government with a court injunction to stop the killing on the same day that it commenced, however, the government then stopped the kill prior to the hearing, one week later, therefore, NSW AL withdrew their court action.
In 2009, after pre election promises of changes to be made, by the Labor Government, NO CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED.
If you would like to end animal cruelty and violence, and terminate the people holding the positions who are responsible for, and were involved in these unlawful acts of animal cruelty, and publishing/submitting fictitious reports, driving our native wildlife to extinction, who have no knowledge or expertise in their positions they hold, please sign this petition.
The violent slaughters were unnecessary.
These people, who have absolutely no expertise and knowledge in Kangaroos/macropods, or any other wildlife, are holding extremely important positions, and are not only aiding in placing this country into deficit, by being paid hard earned rate/taxpayers money, but are also aiding in driving our native wildlife to extinction, and with that, accelerating climate change, destroying the healthy, well balanced eco system that our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, and other wildlife assist in maintaining.
In 2009, more licences to kill our native roos, have been issued, with the same people still in office, still continuing with their fictitious reports and advice to the government.
The native Eastern Grey Kangaroos are not in plague proportions, it only appears so, because they have lost their habitat, so we can see more of them, and although it is great to see them, it is extremely sad that they have lost so much of their habitat through mismanagement by tams/TCCS conservator of Flora and Fauna, and other government advisers.
Wildlife Carers Group has again submitted the City Kangaroo Park/Wildlife Sanctuary, with horror pictures from the 2008 bnts site inhumane slaughter, photos of Rose Cottage horse paddock, counting 193 roos in 2008, opposing rspca's count of a well rounded up but unrealistic figure of 2000, along with alternatives to killing, that is wasting taxpayers money, placing this state and country into further deficit.
The horse agistment paddocks are wildlife corridors, for our wildlife, they will not be killed for lawfully being in their wildlife corridors, for horses.
Article in The Chronicle, p.20 northside and southside, unsure about the other parts of canberra/queanbeyan, Tuesday 14 April 2009, 'Roo protectors bounce to action'.
This article www.canberratimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/roo-control-will-require-more-culls-stanhope-says/1462007.aspx?... mentions that I would prefer the fertility program, however, I specified, HUMANE fertility program. Bromocriptine, and some of the other methods are not humane, and must be aborted.
Fertility programs have to be monitored, because if over used, will bring on the same results, extinction of our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos.
Don't believe the minority of horse owners either, (not all horse owners have these misconceived views about our native kangaroos), kangaroos are not starving to death where they are agisting their horses, the roos have more than likely been road kills, that have crawled away there, and died, or killed by the rangers and left in the horse agistment paddocks to rot.
The pasture belongs to our native kangaroos and wildlife, not the farmers (who incidentally, get a government subsidy to help them protect and save our wildlife on their properties, some of who appear to be abusing that government hand out), and the horse owners who agist their horses.
Their horses are agisted in wildlife corridors that belong to our native wildlife, that includes our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos.
The hoofed animals live harmoniously with our native roos.
If we are to turn this devastation around, of the destruction of our planet, we need to declare AUSTRALIA a wildlife sanctuary, and nurture our wildlife, end violence and unlawful acts of animal cruelty, and unlawful acts of fraudulent reports that accelerates climate change, having a devastating impact on our healthy well balanced eco system that drives our native wildlife to extinction.
The World should follow, and declare their countries, a wildlife sanctuary.
Remember, we are of the majority, those who want to torture our kangaroos to death, are of the minority.
It has been advertised by defence that they unnecessarily, inhumanely, violently massacred 514 Eastern Grey Kangaroos on the BNTS site, http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/06/04/2265044.htm, that apparently commenced on 17/5/08, (my source) although largely advertised, commenced on 19/5/08, that continued till early June 2008, after announcing on 16/5/08, that the slaughter will commence.
Claims that there were no joeys between April and July, were also found to be false, by these so called 'experts', when the females began to throw their joeys out of their pouches, out of stress, and fear for their joeys, attempting to save them from the human predators.
The females return to pick up their joeys after the danger has passed.
In this case, of course, they were needlessly butchered, joeys poisoned with toxic pellets that were dropped onto the ground for them to eat.
Contrary to the rspca's claim that this unnecessary massacre was humane, the massacre was extremely cruel, violent, conducted by those who were incompetent, negligent, using unqualified, inexperienced staff, including the rspca, security guards from 'pros', etc. Check out www.myspace.com/wcginc for some photos. The photo of frenzied kangaroos shows a security guard herding them. The other photo shows cruel research on the roos. More information on http://wcg.awardspace.com click on 'news' link.
The remaining kangaroos left on the BNTS site, after they were tortured to death, died a horrific inhumane death through TAMS senior ecologist scientific research, after he inserted fertility drugs up their nose. So much for the ethics committee who are suppose to provide protection to animals against any acts of animal cruelty.
Please sign this petition as individuals to provide full term rehabilitation to all sick, injured, orphaned EASTERN GREY KANGAROOS, on the ACT Wildlife Rehab. Licence for Wildlife Carers Group: www.gopetition.com/petitions/reinstate-our-act-kangaroos.html.
Media release www.kangaroo-protection-coalition.com/kangaroo-archives25.html
Some of the abbreviated local, national and international media releases, 13 May 2007, http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/news/local/general/plan-for-three-days-of-death/584324.html, 14 May 2007, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/05/14/world/main2799551.shtml?source=RSSattr=HOME_2799551, 20 May 2007, http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200705/s1927723.htm, http://www.spa.gov.sa/English/details.php?id=452929, http://news.monstersandcritics.com/asiapacific/news/printer_1309191.php, 25 May 2007, and again this year, 7 March 2008, when the unnecessary cruel killing was again being pushed by the Local Jon Stanhope Government, http://www.abcscience.net.au/news/stories/2008/03/07/2182771.htm, that exposed a plan by the Department of Defence and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government to cruelly butcher up to 3,200 Kangaroos at two Defence sites in the ACT, in May 2007, which received, not only local, but also received national and international publicity.
The macropod population is always grossly over exaggerated by the commercial roo industry, farmers, the rspca, etc.
In May 2007 approximately 100 kangaroos were sighted on the BNTS Site.
A site visit on 2 May 2008 with defence personnel, showed a count of under 100 kangaroos, and that food was plentiful.
Another site visit was requested for a recount.
The cull commenced before this second visit was coordinated.
The kangaroos were healthy, but very nervous upon approach, and fled.
A dramatically lower number was also sighted on the Majura Site, than what was led to be believed by the Defence Application to Cull Eastern Grey Kangaroos.
The false and misleading information given in May 2007 were to 'save' the kangaroos from starving and to prevent them from competing with certain endangered grassland species reported to be on these sites - Striped Legless Lizard, Grassland Earless Dragon and the Golden Sun Moth, which later included the Ginninderra Peppercress native grassland, (which the kangaroos can't digest, therefore, don't touch it) and Perunga Grasshopper.
Our observation showed that the Eastern Grey Kangaroos and other wildlife species on this site are coexisting harmoniously.
The cause for certain native flora and fauna species being wiped out is due to leaking buried toxic waste and the spraying of toxic sprays to kill the weeds on both defence sites, along with the over excessive vehicles being driven all over the sites, by man.
More information on the Wildlife Carers Group website, http://wcg.awardspace.com and click on the 'news' link.
BNTS is a 136.8 hectare site with Eastern Grey Kangaroos trapped by a 2.5 metre high kangaroo proof security fence inside a 116ha site at the decommissioned Belconnen Naval Transmission Station (BNTS).
In 5 July 2007, the summit exposed the fact that the decommissioned BNTS site was actually proposed for housing development, with the site being handed over to the ACT Government for FREE.
The Eastern Grey Kangaroos are healthy, therefore, to go ahead with this cull, or relocation of the kangaroos is unnecessary, an act of cruelty, and in breach of the animal welfare act.
Freelance photographer Ray Drew (photograph on this petition) has been documenting the process of the cull, with his daily photographs.
The licence for the cull expired in July 2007, with an application to cull being misleading and misinforming, thereby being null and void.
This petition is to demand the end of unlawful acts of fraudulent reports, unlawful acts of animal cruelty, and the end of the unnecessary killing of our Native Eastern Grey Kangaroos along with other wildlife, tabling WCG alternatives to killing at the next sitting, saving all the kangaroos in the ACT, turning the bnts site into a city Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, to end tams/conservator authority to make decisions in wildlife rehabilitation licences, killing licences, wildlife matters, handing them over to WCG, and to amend the current ACT Wildlife Rehabilitation Licence for the full term rehabilitation of our sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, an omission of the licence only applying in the ACT, compared to the rest of Australia.
The Memorial City Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary will house ALL the existing Eastern Grey Kangaroos, and kangaroo proof fencing, along with the only Wildlife Hospital with a public viewing surgery, in the ACT, educational facility, rehabilitation facility, cafes, viewing platforms, extra enclosures for the rehabilitation of the sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, and other native wildlife, and will prove to be a very successful tourist attraction, increasing tourism to the ACT, preventing the need to cruelly and unnecessarily cull, or relocate any of the kangaroos.
The International Arboretum and Gardens project has been allocated to one of the sites that was wiped out by the ACT bush fires in 2003, rather than the government replanting our native flora, (food source) to assist with the survival of our native fauna, which is rather irresponsible.
Saving ALL our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos. Stop the violent killings and the infertility program.
We, the undersigned, call on the Government of the Australian Capital Territory and Prime Minister of Australia to ensure that their cruel, violent, unnecessary massacre, and undignified treatment of our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, on the BNTS Site, will (1) never be repeated, (2) to stop further developments and wildlife habitat loss (3) turn the bnts site into the copyright WCG Proposed City Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, with WCG, (4) declare the ACT, and Australia a wildlife sanctuary.
urgently Declare Eastern Grey Kangaroos including all other macropods as sacred and critically endangered. Please urgently intervene with all States and order to Stop all Kangaroo killings and the infertility program that has unlawfully genetically altered them driving them to extinction. All killings are violent. Please urgently adopt our Animal Welfare Act and Bill as your Federal policy and introduce them as law. Links: https://wildlifecarersgroup.wordpress.com/2019/01/13/wildlife-carers-group-submission-animal-welfare-legislation-amendment-bill-2019-closes-7-2-19/
https://wildlifecarersgroup.wordpress.com/2017/05/15/submission-amended-draft-animal-welfare-and-management-strategy-2017-2022-closes-wednesday-24-may-2017/. Please declare that the entire animal kingdom including kangaroos, all macropods, all bird & aquatic life have the same rights as humans. Please urgently order a Federal audit and Royal Commission on all Kangaroo killings & the infertility program from 1997-2019, commencing with the ACT. All of The killings have been based on Scientific Fraud in the ACT that is for development. The ACT has been maliciously deprived of a multi billion dollar tourist attraction since 2008 failing to spend all the money on our Educational Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary instead. Map attached. Please declare the ACT a Kangaroo and Wildlife Sanctuary. Eastern Grey Kangaroos have already been unlawfully driven to extinction in certain areas of the ACT unlawfully genetically altered through mass killings and the infertility program. ACT have been killing the kangaroos every day without a licence, unlawfully changing their status to controlled native species and handing them over to the Planning Minister Mick Gentleman after the majority of the submissions failed to authorise the changes stating we don’t agree to the changes. We have over 12,000 signatures to stop the killings and the infertility program. please read this article on how the RSPCA refuse to charge the police for hitting a roo, shooting it 4 times, still alive then leaving it to suffer from gun shot wounds and horrific injuries from being hit by their police van. The RSPCA claim that they didn’t breach the Animal Welfare Act. Look harder. The Police should have taken the Kangaroo to a Vet for treatment. Please train and supply Police with tranquilliser guns for injured wildlife. Please urgently Remove the RSPCA from all animal related panels, boards etc and stop their government funding. The Police Minister is also Mick Gentleman as both the Government and the RSPCA promote and encourage violence. This was neither a killing or compassionate. Link:
https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/6130400/kangaroo-shot-four-times-for-compassionate-reasons-after-accident-with-police-van/. Links: https://www.themercury.com.au/entertainment/tasweekend-kangaroo-filmmakers-focus-lens-on-the-biggest-wildlife-slaughter-in-the-world/news-story/46755bf490b879447d5c5aaaf1eaffaf
Please establish a medianimalcare bulk billing free veterinary consultations, treatments, surgeries for all Kangaroos, wildlife and other animals for Pensioners and low waged income earners, equivalent to Medicare.
3 petitions over 12,000 signatures.
‘....anyone who intentionally tortures a dog or cat is a threat to public safety, and should be dealt with severely," DeSteph said in a statement....DeSteph told ABC News he plans to send the legislation to other state lawmakers and work with national animal welfare groups to get the law introduced across the country.
There have been studies that show a connection between animal cruelty and many other crimes, from drug and firearm offenses to battery and sexual assault, according to the Humane Society....’
The same applies to Kangaroos and all other animals, the entire animal kingdom, not just cats and dogs.
The Government’s proposed Animal Welfare Bill should be citing the same as above to immediately stop the Kangaroo killings to arrest and lock up the Government officials responsible for the Kangaroo killings since 2004-2019. The Animal Welfare Bill cannot be in compliance with the Government, the Government has to be in compliance with the Animal Welfare Bill that must immediately stop the Kangaroo killings, including all other animals.
We ask the chief minister and Prime Minister to make the required changes for our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, to declare them a critically endangered species and to stop the violent inhumane killing that are based on lies.
Our Eastern Grey Kangaroos are being driven to extinction through mismanagement violent killing and the infertility program that is unlawfully altering their strong gene pools weakening the species leaving young small Kangaroos to breed until they are driven to extinction. Kangaroos maintain a healthy well balanced eco system.
Legislate our ANIMAL WELFARE AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2017-2022 Submission, and Bill.
Delete all ag gag related/type sections from the Nature Conservation Act.
Copyrighted WCG/NORA PRESTON 2007/2008 Map of the City Kangaroo Park/Wildlife Sanctuary, along with photos of unnecessary cruel/violent massacre on bnts site, including a cover letter, personally handed to the now former ACT Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope on 23/6/08 by Nora Preston.
The copyright WCG Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary will house ALL the existing Eastern Grey Kangaroos, on the bnts site, and kangaroo proof fencing, which can be extended to house more roos, along with the only Wildlife Hospital with a public viewing surgery, in the ACT, educational facility, rehabilitation facility, cafes, viewing platform, extra enclosures for the rehabilitation of the sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, and other native wildlife, and will prove to be a very successful tourist attraction, increasing tourism to the ACT, preventing the need to cruelly and unnecessarily cull, or relocate any kangaroos.
Amend the ACT Wildlife Rehabilitation Licence to reinstate sick, injured, orphaned Native Eastern Grey Kangaroos for full term rehabilitation.
URGENTLY Removing everyone involved in, and responsible for TORTURING our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos to death in 2008,
and who have continued to issue licences to kill native Eastern Grey Kangaroos in 2011-2018 and unlicensed killings who have failed to amend the Wildlife Rehabilitation Licence to include full term rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, including all omitted wildlife to prevent extinction and unlawful acts of animal cruelty.
Amend kangaroo management plan that is not based on any scientific facts or evidence according to Nora Preston, David Croft, Dror Ben-Ami, and Daniel Ramp's advice.
Remove and Abolish the unlawful Eastern Grey Kangaroos Controlled Native Species Management Plan and remove this section from the Nature Conservation Act.
Remove and abolish the unlawful violent killing in the Code of Practice.
URGENTLY remove the current authority in making decisions in wildlife rehabilitation licence, killing licences, wildlife matters, animal welfare, advisory committees, etc from tams/TCCS (have changed their name or relevant Dept)/conservator,) and place them under Wildlife Carers Group.
Modify shu roo, to work at any speed, that emits a sound to warn wildlife off the roads, compulsory FREE fitting to all vehicles, bikes, bicycles, to prevent road kills/collisions. We now have vehicles made with sensors installed to stop the vehicle to prevent collision with Kangaroos, etc.
Declare Australia a wildlife sanctuary, re educate the communities, encourage nurturing of our wildlife, end violence towards our wildlife, prevent extinction of our native wildlife.
Develop safe wildlife corridors for our wildlife that will prevent road collisions/kills.
Saving and caring for ALL of our protected native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, wildlife, environment and conservation.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Save ALL the Kangaroos petition to ACT Government and Prime Minister of Australia was written by Lady Nora Preston and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.