Living tv

Living tv produced a fantastic ghost show called Dead famous staring Tv presenter Gail porter & sensitive Chris Flemming.

This show was a massive success globally and has had 3 seasons. Unfortunately the presenter Gail porter has decided she doesnt want to work on the show anymore.

Living tv for some reason has decided that the show cannot continue without her when she is only the presenter. Other shows have continued with out main presenters or even mediums... so why cant Dead Famous continue with a new presenter???

This is one show that trys different methods of ghostly contact. It shows evidence of such activity with a sceptical view point.

Where is Livings logic in removing a popular tv show??

Gail is only a presenter. There are other presenters that would keep the show in the papers... Give us back Dead famous please!

We, the undersigned, call on Living TV to pick up Dead Famous for season 4.

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The Save Dead Famous! petition to Living tv was written by Hrhdiesel and is in the category Television at GoPetition.