- Target:
- Columbus Nova, Daybreak Games
- Region:
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
Our game is dying.
On May 5, 2015, Game Update 47 launched, creating Combat Relevancy. If you were active in the game then, or on the forums, you know that nearly all of us players were screaming to make our discontent heard, but our cries went unheeded. It is impossible for me to estimate how many players we lost on that day. I know many.
Those players were highly skilled and experienced players. The game is lacking in their absence. This has left our game with a greatly reduced population... a population that increasingly does not know the mechanics of the raids they are trying to run or even how to play their role (ex. controllers that don’t drop power or tanks that don’t pull enemies when they should).
The game is not completely without knowledegable players, but many, if not most of those, have retreated from lfg chat, because of the lack of knowledge, and run only with their leagues. This leaves us with an lfg chat with a lot less people, and a lot of them unskilled or inexperienced. We all have our stories of poorly failed raid groups.
There is starting to be somewhat of a history of the players not being listened to. Reference Game Update 50. Electricity, Light, and Nature were sorely lacking, and indeed each had to wait a long time for this update. The update was on the test server for 2 weeks. None of the player feedback was listened to. In fact, the players were told that they had not tested correctly, by Tunso, and that they would rather give a slight buff later than have to nerf the powers. The update was rushed to the live servers unchanged. Those powers remained in a severely weakened state, and no buff ever came.
Now, seven months later, Light appears to finally be getting the update it should have had months ago, while Electricity remains the weakest power in the game. In fact, Ice, Gadgets, and Mental each received more than one update during this time, despite already being strong powers.
Additionally, many technical bugs and errors are going unfixed, as well, such as the constant ski-ski-ski-ski-skipping of narratives in the cut scenes, the incredible lag of leveling up to 30, the disconnections, the forests of disconnected players not being removed from the game when they should, obstacles that don’t load or barely load but kill you, enemies not responding to block-breakers, bomb timers that go off too early, weapons that disappear. The list goes on.
If you experience any problems, the customer support staff appears to have been greatly reduced. Not just reduced, but apparently the staff members who went out of their way to help people (ex. GM RuggedMonk) are the staff members no longer present.
Customer service has now turned into a bug tracking webpage, that goes largely ignored by developers, reliance on an existing bug thread on the forum, and in a couple of instances, you can help yourself by paying Daybreak Games an additional $10. What has happened to customer service is shameful.
By signing this petition, you are asking the developers of DC Universe Online to remove Combat Relevancy and to fix the errors and bugs plaguing this game.
You are asking Columbus Nova, the parent company of Daybreak Games (consisting of Andrew Intrater, Jason Epstein and Paul Lipari) to fund the necessary changes to the game that they purchased from Sony back in February 2015, and to return the customer service to a service that actually helps their customers.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Save Our Game petition to Columbus Nova, Daybreak Games was written by The Foundation To Save DC Universe Online and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.