- Target:
- Virgin Island Taxi Commision
- Region:
- Virgin Islands
- Website:
- www.activestjohnvi.com
Does anyone think its good for tourism and residents of the Virgin Islands to replace the Safari Taxi's with passenger vans as the VI Taxi Commission thinks enclosed vans are safer? Does anyone want to have to get in/out of a single van door in traffic as we drive on the left and the vans passenger doors are on the right? How is someone supposed to get out if they are in the back?
The V.I. Taxi Commission mandated in 2009 a moratorium on licensing new safari taxis built by island fabricators and installed on “incomplete” truck frames imported from the U.S. unless the so-called “after-market“ fabrication is certified as meeting federal standards for operation. The V.I. Taxi Commission seeks to force medallion holders (Taxi Owners) to replace the island's iconic safari-style, open-air taxis with enclosed vans.
Read the story at http://stthomassource.com/content/news/local-news/2009/03/03/cab-commission-wont-approve-new-safari-taxis
The Safaris are part of the VI and must stay in the VI. Can anyone remember a Safari having a safety issue due to not having a federally certified welder constructing these amazing vehicles? The sooner this gets repealed the better as if current owners are purchasing passenger vans to replace their safaris they will get screwed if this gets repealed later then sooner, only you can make the difference to the VI's future!
Ford Motor Company states they are not liable for their vehicles once modified and the Intermediate and final stage manufacturers must exercise proper engineering judgment to determine if a modification is appropriate for their specific application. Why can’t the Virgin Islands come up with a set regulations and guidelines for the final stage manufactures to follow? The below information is taken from FORDs SUPER DUTY F SERIES Incomplete Vehicle Manual and is linked at the bottom.
Information provided by St John Tradewinds News, original story at http://www.stjohntradewindsnews.com/index.php/component/content/article/600-news/2014-04-news/8893-lt-gov-francis-promises-taxi-drivers-action-on-rules-threatening-safaris
There are no after-market safari fabricators in the territory who can certify a finished safari. The supply of used safari bodies is dwindling as the existing ones deteriorate or are exported to the neighboring British Virgin Islands.
St. John Tourists Won’t Ride in Taxi Vans
The Taxi Commission is trying to force the taxi operators to switch to vans — which visiting tourists refuse to ride, according to the taxi drivers.
Of the 157 taxi licenses on St. John only three are vans , “Safaris have been in operation for over 50 years.
Said a taxi operator. “As long as a taxi driver is operating in a safe manner I think we can continue to drive these safaris in a safe manner.”
“Eventually we’re going to run out of used vehicles,” said another taxi driver.
“I’ve spent two months trying to buy a safari,” said another driver. “They can’t be replaced.”
We, the undersigned, call on the Virgin Island Taxi Commission to exempt all Safari Taxis from their own 2009 mandate and allow new Safari Taxis to be built. The Virgin Island Taxi Commission should establish safety regulations for the existing Safari's, and set guidelines for the construction of new Safari's.
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The Save our Safari Taxis petition to Virgin Island Taxi Commision was written by ActiveStJohnVI and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.