- Target:
- Save Our Wide Open Spaces
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.sowos.org
Canyon Country Coalition for Responsible Renewable Energy
Our coalition includes Property Owner Associations/Communities along the Grand Canyon Corridor (Highway 64). We have many concerns about the proposed Perrin Ranch wind project and our goal is to ask the Coconino County Planning and Zoning Commissioners and Board of Supervisors to declare a MORATORIUM on all conditional use permits for the installation of this wind project until the county and its citizens determine what renewable energy is best for us.
We are not against wind energy but we are against placing an industrial wind project in this corridor. We believe that renewable energy projects, in particular wind energy, must be evaluated in the same way as any industrial power project whether renewable or not.
Grand Canyon is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. If we destroy the open land leading to this incredible place then how can we hope to preserve the wonder and beauty of this location?
We have to ask is this project really good for our future and our local economy? Is industrial wind power really worth doing if we are going to lose our pristine landscapes and wide open spaces? These 400 foot turbines are permanent and we must examine whether this is the right CHOICE for the Grand Canyon Corridor.
The local economy of Williams, Arizona and the Grand Canyon Corridor (Highway 64) are based on two major resources: Tourism and Hunting
WIND FARMS are INDUSTRIAL WIND POWER SITES which will not contribute to the protection of our natural resources or local economy! None of the power produced will power our homes or businesses.
The income from our two major resources Tourism and Hunting will always provide more revenue than the proposed income described by NextEra in their presentations or news Ads.
We are very concerned that this project has the potential to:
• Destroy the natural area of the Cataract Canyon Watershed
• Create greater risks for flooding, forest fires, and devastation to the environment & wildlife
• Ruin the views of our wide open spaces from Highway 64 and our properties
• Not conform to the 1992 Red Lake Area Plan regarding industrial development along this corridor
• Increase the risks for more wind turbines in the immediate future to the north and east of our properties as other ranchers are now negotiating with NextEra
• Have an adverse effect on our property values
• There has already been a 27% decrease in property values in the Williams area due to the economic slump and we have good reason to believe this project will decrease our property values further.
As citizens of Coconino County we are asking our county government representatives to oppose the Conditional Use Permit for the Perrin Ranch Wind Project. Our community development commissioners have for years protected the Grand Canyon Corridor from industrialized development and we are asking that they continue this effort by voting against this project and sending the message that this project is NOT the right choice for the Grand Canyon Corridor.
We, the undersigned, supporters of the Canyon Country Coalition for Responsible Renewable Energy and Save Our Wide Open Spaces, oppose the plan proposed by NextEra and APS to construct a wind energy complex including sixty-two, 400-foot commercial wind turbines on the Perrin Ranch.
As signers of this petition, we ask that:
The Coconino County Board of Supervisors and the Planning and Zoning Commissioners declare a MORATORIUM on all conditional use permits for construction and installation of industrial wind turbines along Highway 64, the Grand Canyon Corridor, until such time as the county develops a renewable energy plan for Coconino County which includes input from the citizens and provides all required studies for public review.
As citizens we should have a voice in which renewable energy is best for our community and its location.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Save Our Wide Open Spaces petition to Save Our Wide Open Spaces was written by Canyon Country Coalition for Responsible Renewable Energy and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.