In December of 2021 the bishop of Barcelona signed with a private university a document to transfer the terrain where the historical church of the Holy Spirit (Iglesia del Espíritu Santo or església de l'Esperit Sant) stands. This private university is the University of Blanquerna and has a building about one hundred meters away from our church. No communication regarding that signature was hold either with the community of the church of the Holy Spirit or the priest.
In order to build this university, the church of the Holy Spirit of Barcelona must be demolished.
In March of 2022 the bishop of Barcelona, Juan José Omella, came to our church to explain the situation to the community. He stated that nothing was signed, which was not true. He also stated that everything could be negotiated.
We want to avoid the destruction of the church of the Holy Spirit from Barcelona Spain in order to build a private university.
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The Save the Church of the Holy Spirit of Barcelona Spain petition to Pope Francis was written by Carlos Mari and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.