- Target:
- Cape Coral High School Administration
- Region:
- United States of America
Recently, the Cape Coral High School administration has decided to remove the music department from the school.
The administration's reason for removing the program was becasue there weren't enough students signed up for the classes.
The music teacher and her students acted immediately, set up a table in the cafeteria, and got a considerable amount of students to sign up. There were at least 104 students signed up for classes such as guitar, piano/keyboard, musical theatre, drums, and the special education class.
Although they had less than two months to accomplish the task in recruiting more students, they achieved the goal.
The administration claims that there were only around 40 people who signed up.
Every student has the right to learn about different fields which interest them, and removing the music department from Cape Coral High School is denying at least 100 students from that right. Removing the music department would be just as unfair as telling the football players that there wasn't going to be any football next year, or telling painters that art class wouldn't be available to them anymore.
Would you like it if you were told that you were unable to participate in the classes that pertained to your hobbies or possible career? No, nobody would. Therefore, we ask the Cape Coral High School administration to change their decision, keeping the music department part of the school.
We, the undersigned, are against the removal of the music program at Cape Coral High School. We urge the administration to reconsider this decision and keep the program available to the many students who wish to take part in it.
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The Save the Music Department at Cape Coral High School petition to Cape Coral High School Administration was written by James Gavin and is in the category Education at GoPetition.