- Target:
- Chief Executive, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Alex Fergusson MSP, Aileen McLeod MSP
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.whithorn.com
What closure would mean for Whithorn and the local area:-
Loss of 7 jobs.
Loss of spend in the local shops – the Whithorn Trust spends in the region of £2,500 in Whithorn shops annually with a further £2,500 at least spent in Dumfries and Galloway.
Loss of the only visitor facility in the Machars which advertises across the region and beyond. Consequential loss of visitors to the area.
Loss of a major visitor attraction open daily to visitors visiting the Machars
Loss of the museum which displays objects from Whithorn in Whithorn – these will be returned to Council and placed in store or returned to Edinburgh. Although the excavations were done by the Whithorn Trust the Council claimed the objects and these are loaned back to be displayed in Whithorn itself to bring visitors to the site.
Loss of 7,500 visitors per year and their associated spend in Whithorn as part of their visit.
Loss of over £500,000 to the local economy.
Loss of a museum which demonstrates the nation’s identity and diversity and display of a collection of international importance.
Loss of focus for local events and projects – Junior Tour Guides, Whithorn Events Group, art exhibitions.
Loss of meeting place for U3A, Whithorn Art and Crafts Trail, Whithorn and District Business Association.
Loss of visitor information point and café open all week.
Loss of funding raised for special projects – in 2011/12 the Trust raised £75,000 for the Machars Archaeology Project.
We would suggest that the Whithorn Trust is too important as a museum and tourist venue for its fate and funding to be left to local council members.
We ask the Council, the Church and the Government to partner with the Whithorn Trust to recognise the national importance of Whithorn as part of Scotland’s core museum provision and to set up a dedicated central funding structure.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Save The Whithorn Trust petition to Chief Executive, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Alex Fergusson MSP, Aileen McLeod MSP was written by The Whithorn Trust and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.