- Target:
- Regina Public School Board
- Region:
- Canada
In the Phase II Renewing Regina Public schools report, one of the proposed options at the elementary level is to abandon the current dual-track French Immersion program and establish a few French Centers in its place (single-track).
This means that many of the current French Immersion school programs will leave the community school and students bussed to centralized schools.
Parents do not want to see the French program further pushed away from mainstream and made to be seen as ‘different’ to only integrate back into a French and English program in High School. We believe it is good for French and English students to have a relationship within the same school to further promote understanding of Canada’s second language rather than make those differences more apparent.
Parents do feel it more efficient to spend time learning how to better ‘integrate’ the dual track system at Hawrylak and other schools. We do not see the value in your proposed suggestions; let’s make our current system stronger!
Parents choose their community school French Immersion program to provide an opportunity for their children’s education. However if forced with the difficult decision of community versus French, typically 1/3 or more will not leave their community school. This means French Immersion enrolment will drop 33% across the board. Our vision includes more children in French, not less! Let’s provide children opportunities.
• There will be a significant decrease in the number of students enrolled in French Immersion.
• Children segregated into far-away French centers.
• Children segregated at the elementary level based on English and French but then placed in a dual-track system in high school. Will students feel part of the high school, or more like outsiders? Will they be treated like outsiders?
(2006 RPS Annual Report “Regina Public Schools teaches students values such as respect, responsibility, and belonging.”)
• French and English students displaced from their family, friends and community.
• French-Immersion system in transition can be difficult for the children, parents and teachers if not effectively managed.
• Increased bussing needs and time, earlier school start times 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. replacing 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
• Siblings in different schools because one is in French and one is in English.
• Students leaving French and transferring to English to stay in their local community school.
It is beneficial for French and English students to work together within the same school to promote tolerance towards Canada’s second language rather than accentuate those differences through segregation.
Learning from diversity, exposure to diversity, development of cultural tolerance.
It is consistent at the elementary level and in high school.
Providing non-French speaking parents a better choice to enhance their children’s education when accessible in the community.
Parents are more likely to be engaged in their child(ren)’s school when that school is a part of the parents community.
It is not elitist, it is inclusive.
The system is producing highly competent French speaking students!
Research indicates that French centre students were perceived by both teachers and students to be exposed to more French and less peer pressure than their dual-track counterparts. However, that same research also determined there were no significant differences between the two groups in regards to student use of French or student and teacher satisfaction with the program.1
We, the undersigned citizens of Regina, strongly oppose the Regina Public School Board's proposal of French Centres replacing the current dual-track French Immersion program.
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The Say 'No' to French centres petition to Regina Public School Board was written by concerned parents and is in the category Education at GoPetition.