- Target:
- Epic Records
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.groups.yahoo.com
Hello everybody my name is josclyn and i thought that since everybody is trying to get nazkar on the scream 3 tour i might up the chances a little! I am also makin a petiton no im not trying to steal the other girls idea i think it was a great one! Now this is what is up Nazkar is a Hot rapper his lyrics are crazy! He is really cute and he has alot of fans! We would like to see him on Scream 3 Tour with B2k,Nick Cannon,MH,Mario,and Jhene!But thats not it!Scream 3 Tour has not shown a list that tells that they will be in New Jersey! Fans from NJ have to search for a way to get to NY and thats unfair so I think that they should also come to NJ and show love to their fans!
Fans please sign this petition to get Nazkar on the Tour and to get the tour in NJ. Try hard yall we want them to know that if they dont put him on then they are making a mistake!
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The Scream 3 Tour.......Why Not Nazkar petition to Epic Records was written by Josclyn Moss and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.