#Arts & Entertainment

The first Season of "Everythin Sucks!", a Netflix Original Serie, has globally improved. It's about the teenagers in the Highscool in this city called "Boring" who come together to create an own film. It is about this boy trying to get the girl he loves, and the father who searches for a woman making him happy after his wife died, and about getting bullied and having a hard time in highschool. Also it is a film about the LGBTQ community and the struggle of accepting oneself as a homosexual. The dramas happening beneath them are often include in the shooting and the film itself. It is a funny sweet romantic story in witch the watchers can easily connect with the actors and so " Everything Suck!" brings them often to tears. But after the first season the serie should have continued explaining all those plotwists which which are showed up in the last final episode. The storyline for teh second season is already written and planned by the directors but Netflix decided to stop the producing in horror to the thousands fans and the producers. Everbody has this one show he could watch a thousand times. Imagine it woulnd not have an ending. Please help us convincing the Netflix's Company to continue the shooting.

"We, the undersigned speaking up for the fans and the producers, call on the Netflix's Company to continue the shooting of the serie "Everything Sucks!" ."

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The Second Season for "Everything sucks" petition to Netflix was written by Johanna Vogler and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.