- Target:
- Queensland State Government, all QLD MP's, all TRC Councillors, Mayor Rosa Lee Long
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- www.rechargekuranda.org
What is a People's Mandate? If you desire change from your Government,then the proper process is to express your WILL. When enough people express their WILL, then it becomes a People's Mandate.
A Democratic Government cannot ignore a people's mandate, pure and simple, as the "People" are the "Authority," and when the people express their will in the correct manner, our elected representatives "must obey" as they are public servants after all.
This online MANDATE will allow the wider Community of Australia to support the FIRST attempt of an Australian Community to RE- Instruct Government of their will.
Imagine this:
When we succeed and the entire Nation comes to hear of the true negative impact of fluoride in Water, but MORE SO the power of a Communities' Peoples Mandate, we have Positive change to reignite in Communities all across Australia.
Thank you for caring. Thank you for giving VOICE to our Cause.
To the Tablelands Regional Council
To Queensland State Government
I know it is my duty to keep you informed as to MY WILL on any matter that comes before the Parliament or should come before the Parliament.
As a citizen of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting within my full capacity as one empowered to make free election, I hereby express my will and do Mandate that the TABLELANDS REGIONAL COUNCIL and the QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT acknowledge and respect my constitutional right to a non-fluoridated domestic water supply.
I further state my will and mandate that the TABLELANDS REGIONAL COUNCIL and the QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT forth with abandon adding fluoride to the Tablelands Regional water supply.
This MANDATE is to be carried into full effect within ninety (90) days of delivery.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Sign the Tablelands Peoples' Mandate to halt mandatory Fluoridation petition to Queensland State Government, all QLD MP's, all TRC Councillors, Mayor Rosa Lee Long was written by Sjoerd Aardema and is in the category Government at GoPetition.